Conversation Between HogDawg and OmahaDawg

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Michael...I was interested and I did apply. I talked with Guice and sent in info at his request. No interview or questionnaire. I also conversed with Steve Davison and Sam Speed and Steve was cold and Sam was warm and messaged back and forth. Was first time I actually applied for a job at Tech since either June 2007 or 2008. I got a cursory call from the Search firm the day before they made the announcement...more Tech. I, again, offered my services to consult or give feedback at no charge...only person to ever have taken me up on that has been Adam McGirt on the baseball rebuild. We will see how the hire works out. My email is and cell is 402-637-9046
  2. Hey Marty......are you going to apply for LA Tech AD job? It's showtime. Michael
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