JAB, I gave you a positive report. After receiveing over 3000 negative points (not sure how the points work) it became apparent that people really did give ratings on others so I thought I'd jump in. I did appreciate the input of a few and you happened to be one of those who contributed to the discussion. I haven't taken anything personal, just thought I would use the board as others obviously have.
FYI, you are unable to leave reputation until you hit 50 post. You tried to leave some on my post but because you did not comment I can't even tell if you "liked" or "disliked" what I posted. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how it worked. If you write "I agree" or "you suck" (lol!) with the rep people will know how you feel. Thank you for supporting Louisiana Tech and remember......this site is for entertainment purposes! Don't take anything personaly.