9 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    I feel bad for Long, good for Spoon, and Great for Tech.
  2. View Conversation
    Where have you been hiding?? I needed your insight on the firing.
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    one day man
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, my parents are there for every single one. You can't get them to miss one. However, they call me for all the news. LOL

    I really do think we will see Barmore again. He is brushing up now and has a great relationship with Spoon. That will be one exciting day. There will be some changes in the future to get us back to the top. Good changes! Don't get me wrong. I like Coach Long a lot. We email back and forth and I have wanted nothing more than for him to be able to get us back to the top. Spoon being here is a HUGE help because she can get in those recruits that we need. Whatever happens happens, but I am optimistic about the future.
  5. View Conversation
    I thought I would ride your coat tails, cocktails, now that is a drink!!!!
  6. View Conversation
    I live in Texas and make every game I can. My parents have season tickets and don't miss a game. I make every game I can traveling in, though.

    I think that is exactly what Barmore is doing. He is getting his feet wet again. In my opinion, you could see Barmore and Spoon on the sideline together at Tech in the future. The reason he is not on our sideline right now is that Kim offered him a sweet deal. He can come and go. He is under no obligation to travel with Baylor and has no obligation to be at practice, even though he is at most. He is truly part-time. We couldn't afford a part-time position. We had to hire a full time and we got Spoon with that money. My signature shows Barmore's quote AFTER he took the Baylor position. He has never said anything without meaning and I take that quote to mean that he will return.
  7. View Conversation
    Absolutely., welcome to the board. You know a lot about WBB. I will pay attention and riide your coat tails. I like to bitch, if you could not already tell. I am hopeful both WBB and MBB will get back to respectability.
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah, I hated when they did away with the sleeves. It was kind of like the end of an era. I knew Sonja and she was a true visionary for the program.

    I too believe that we will be back. The fans will return in droves again once we get on track. I want to be one of those people that know that stood by them all the way through.
  9. View Conversation
    Thanks ESPNGuy! My name is Gary Bramlett and I have been a fan since 1979. Love those Lady Techsters! I am hoping that we can rise again. I have been on the message board since the beginning and there are always negative people. We have more right now, since we aren't doing well. It gets better. Our fans are just super passionate. That is why some are so negative. It just kills them that we aren't doing better than we are. It kills me too, but I know how much rebuilding there was to be done. I am super excited about our recruits next year and I really believe that our current team will get it together soon and, at least, win the WAC. I will be cheering them on always. They have given us more than 30 years of exceptional top WBB. It is the least that I can do to stick by them when they are down.
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Seattle, WA
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BA and M.Ed from different universities


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