Thanks Dr. E that video blows the hell out of the limiting mag capacity argument, right before their lame eyes.
Type: Posts; User: ddgravy; Keyword(s):
Thanks Dr. E that video blows the hell out of the limiting mag capacity argument, right before their lame eyes.
Our dictator wannabe.....maybe is really pressing the envelope now that there are few voter consequences to his extreme left wing agenda. His minion in the justice dept. Is providing legal cover for... I think this article futher addresses some of the veteran issues that are starting to raise their head in increasing frequency these days. Good read IMO "Stolen Valor"...
. Yes it does. R. Paul just needs to shut up if any thing but empathy comes out of his mouth for Chris Kyle and his family and friends. A great loss for our country as well as all of our young...
Disgraceful of Paul! Finally official DD is a Cowboy.
1972 great company!;-riots-ensue?cc=5901. Some sports story heh. Wait till they get their new F16 that BHO is... Guns and the Prez..... Not a Marine, but a great American hero just doing his job and looking out for his brothers in arms. Great young man! This article not only sums up what's happening with the gun control issue but ever...
Just more big govt. bureaucratic feel good stuff that does nothing to stop the problem they'e trying to address. They don't enforce the laws already on the books so just make new ones that will show...
YES he does. Saw this in dmn about a possible juco OL pickup...
WTG Ray! The man has a destiny with the League! This speaks directly to the point that this potus is incompetent as commander in chief either by nature or...
Awesome pics and stories. Thanks for sharing! This WSJ opinion pretty well sums up my opinion of Chuck these days and his like mindness with... This is worth it for the graphic but also is a pretty good synopsis. This article sums up the political correctness crap that most of us face eveyday in life. Spot on imo. Credit commandersalamander blog... Here's another account of the same story. A little far fetched? Dunno, but this whole thing is weird...
Haven't seen that one TT, but this whole thing has been a little fishy from the get go. From the Laugh In days,very very interesting! Read Zuckerman entire newsweek article. Sobering and pretty decent summary. Did we get snookered or what? Chart puts tax hikes to spending in perspective.