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  1. Re: Bulldogs Visit FIU for Friday Night Showdown -

    I like them, also, Are jerseys Columbia Blue?
  2. Replies

    Re: President Biden

    Trump's critics on this site must admit that he is a master negotiator and understands the Art of the Deal. I would like for them to compare and contrast Trump and Biden in that area. A simple...
  3. Replies

    Re: UL Bylaws Enforcement?

    As we all know, ULL is "all in" on creating false perceptions gambling others' reputation. A typical unethical behavior
  4. Replies

    Re: UL Bylaws Enforcement?

    It had to do with Dooley in what was supposedly an "off the record" supporter meeting. It was a "benign" remark to a closed group that was unexpectedly, and likely incorrectly, reported.
  5. Replies

    Re: UL Bylaws Enforcement?

    Tech was a Tier 1 Carnegie. Is that still true?
  6. Replies

    Re: UL Bylaws Enforcement?

    How has Tech screwed over SBC programs? We don't have that aspiration nor power. ULL does have the aspiration to "screw over" the UL System.
  7. Replies

    Re: UL Bylaws Enforcement?

    I didn't read all your drivel, but don't lecture others about anything as your school lacks ETHICS, not to mention abiding by Law, as athletics is specifically included in such. However, the lack of...
  8. Re: Louisiana Tech Depth Chart - Game 11 vs. Southern Miss -

    Is AK starting?
  9. Replies

    Re: Guice fiddles as Tech football burns

    I remember Harry Niilson's "The Point" movie playing at what I thought was the Coffee House but it was at Tolliver in mid '70s
  10. Replies

    Re: Guice fiddles as Tech football burns

    OK. I remember taking a charter to the NC game at the Citadel in '84
  11. Replies

    Re: Guice fiddles as Tech football burns

    I think we won every game when I was there, which would mean we won every home game from the '60s thru the '10s. I'm probably wrong.
  12. Replies

    Re: Guice fiddles as Tech football burns

    I was at Buffett. Acoustical Tour with Buffett, Barry Chance and Fingers Taylor instead of the whole Coral Reefer Band. My future wife had backstage passes for us. 1981 I think
  13. Replies

    Re: Guice fiddles as Tech football burns

    I seem to remember a play off game against Delaware and it stormed all day with a driving hard rain. Sat thru the whole game but I thought we won. I think the game was on ABC. Don't remember what...
  14. Re: Finally...a glimpse of how it all went down -- a GREAT read

    The Japs negotiating peace at 7 AM. We know what happened at 8.
  15. Re: Finally...a glimpse of how it all went down -- a GREAT read

    What doesn't make sense to me is the only schools in our proximity legacy-wise are Rice and USM. Why would any league choose the others over us? It doesn't make sense. We are also superior too...
  16. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    Do you know the man?
  17. Re: LA Tech Hosts Charlotte at Joe Aillet Stadium Saturday -

    I watched but couldn't sync radio. What did you find objectionable about their coverage, per an earlier post?
  18. Replies

    Re: Week 11 Scores

    Did you watch the game or track it?
  19. Re: CUSA Regionalization concept would realign teams in AAC, Conference USA, Sun Belt

    That is the POINT. You relish a FALSE name and abandon ETHICS. It is PHONY and built on LIES you perpetrate. Glad you finally realize that, by your own words.
  20. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    How are any of the schools listed better options than Tech?
  21. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    I agree so don't understand why we are always on the ropes. We should be at the top
  22. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    Seems the SB may be our best option, either raiding or joining, if it is still an option. I hate to say that but I always figured they were our safety valve.
  23. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    Does LSU and other state schools have an athletic fee? I thought we did in the '70s
  24. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    I agree about USM and would think we had each others back.
  25. Re: Has Guice, Holtz and the former AD guided Tech to irrelevance?

    I don't know what the dispute is, but last time I was at the field, all seats were good. Why are "newcomers" making demands? Did Tech start over with new stadium?
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