When it mattered in crunch time, Tech sunk every free throw. That’s something that in years past they have been unable to do. Good home win tonight
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When it mattered in crunch time, Tech sunk every free throw. That’s something that in years past they have been unable to do. Good home win tonight
All I could think about is we’re not likely to see many more if any make it to the league from Tech.
When they went for it on 4th down when they were 70 yards from the goal line, that told you all you needed to know about how Army feels about our defense.
Sure won’t. They’ve upset me more times than I can count.
And Appalachian State fired their coach today with a record of 40-24 in five seasons. We are keeping a guy that’s won 13 games in 4 seasons in the worst conference in football.
He’s not wrong though. Anybody we recruit that is really good won’t stay more than a year or two and they’ll be gone.
After we had it first and goal from the 5 and wound up missing a FG from the 25, I decided I would get more enjoyment out of watching Colorado get smoked by a 4 win Kansas team. I wasn’t wrong.
That series was the perfect example of what it’s like to be a fan of Tech athletics.
Honestly, this program is so dead that firing Crummy won’t do much but make us have to pay out some ridiculous buyout. I don’t see us coming back from this anytime soon.
I was thinking the other...
Exactly. This is a weekly thing. Maybe Cumbie can come up with his on new made for TV series “1001 ways to lose.”
My favorite was some guy that was giving advice on how to avoid post-election depression lol.
I’m watching Kent St play right now, and they might be the only program in the country that Crummy could beat by a FG. They are horrible.
I’ve never watched MSNBC until today, and I must say, I can’t stop watching these people have a meltdown that Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.
I can’t help but feel that tomorrow is going to be a repeat of 4 years ago. Pennsylvania will mysteriously find 50 thousand votes in some closet at 2AM
Anyone we hire will be an improvement. See if there’s a homeless person who would do it for free room and board for a year.
They would turn the ball over before they made it to the endzone.
Most of us will never live to see this program be even a shadow of what it once was. Sad
We can say with great certainty that we are watching the worst football team in Tech history. Every year I say it can’t get any worse, and every year crumble proves me wrong.
Me and the misses voted this Saturday. There was a very big crowd there, and the poll workers said turnout has been very good so far.
Ok, that made me laugh really hard. Good one 80!!
I’ve become so disconnected, I didn’t know we had a game. Doesn’t sound like I missed much. I’m ready to watch us start playing some sub 200 rpi teams in basketball that nobody’s ever heard of.
Just imagine how bad MTSU feels. I know they must be asking themselves how in the world did we get beat by that team.
Evan Bullock looks like a real QB tonight. He’s making great reads and putting the ball on the money.
Went to the game with my wife last night. Their defense is very, very good. The same team that put up 70 against UNC couldn’t do anything against ULM after the first quarter. There was one play that...