Look around you. Lots of ammo for what you are saying. It should be motivation to press on with some optimism. Remember how the book ends. ;)
Hope you all get to enjoy the game, even if it is a...
Type: Posts; User: OLDBLUE; Keyword(s):
Look around you. Lots of ammo for what you are saying. It should be motivation to press on with some optimism. Remember how the book ends. ;)
Hope you all get to enjoy the game, even if it is a...
15 - 20 years ago I would be headed to Ruston at warp speed. Fond memories. I remember the first official BB&B tailgate hosted by THE one and only Mr &Mrs DAWGBITES. Included Cartek among a (very)...
Unless the game plan is highly illogical. Insufficient facts always invite danger.
Well, if they happen upon these “Words of wisdom” they wouldn’t be expecting much, would they.
Enlighten ignorant me by what authority he can offer a motion to suspend the rules.
Time for a faculty revolt. :furious3:
OOOPS, wrong “ball”. Focus gentlemen:D
yer right,
Chalk that up to old age. Spring/fall, so I’m a year off:o
This gets my vote.
Hope the app works.:furious3:
1966 was a year of adjustments - schemes, offense, big hitter replacements, and Laird & company departed.
Phil didn’t see the field much in 65 and I doubt anyone can name a receiver he was throwing...
Have something against winners?
Steal Dr. Dave Brat from Liberty.
Let the snakes fight. We have no business being involved over this mess, and hindering our Grandchildren's hopes of a future, ...... except for the fact "we" must see that "our" unethical ventures...
Loyal to the noble trees but mainly the great memories, the new friends, those who represented the red and blue with blood sweat and tears, and not the least, those we loved and love.
Sorry to disappoint you and Tom. I was a little down yesterday and foolishly went with a little back door double sarcasm.
I have learned my place and do my best from now on.
Mr. Moreland, along...
He is in Tech’s … right? I can’t recall. (yes, too lazy to search, or afraid of what I might find)
I only remember they delivered :D
Hmmmm. Looks like +, big +
This board sucks mud now-a-days :((
Where's that "if you want a thread to die" .......... at least we have that going.:D
” as if it were” ⎌college . :D
Slaughter to Griffin in that mud bowl game with Southern Miss. in the old stadium…
That was my first thought, that voice coming down the hall of Thatcher Hall early in the morning (1961-62)“DRY CLEANING!”
Thatcher Hall has been gone, now that voice.
A heart full of prayers to...
Some things just take more time :laugh:
When do we start?:o