I remembef the year we were the Homecoming game for ASU. It seems a huge cake in ASU colors went missing from an area hotel. As the victorious Bulldogs were enjoying a post game meal in the parking...
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Type: Posts; User: mysterydawg; Keyword(s):
I remembef the year we were the Homecoming game for ASU. It seems a huge cake in ASU colors went missing from an area hotel. As the victorious Bulldogs were enjoying a post game meal in the parking...
Dogtorevil I will see you there around 10 am. Ill be the short fat guy with the 2001 Wac Champion Ring on. Thank you for the tickets.
Dogtorevil I would willingly take two tickets. Tell me what I need to do.
I am looking for two tickets for the game sat. Last minute change in plans is making it possible to attend. Thanks for any consideration.
I worked on JBIII's staff. If you were not on the inside you have no clue how much of and A** this guy could be. It is apparent to me that he has matured and learned since his time here at Tech. The...
DISH is channel 158
I will be there with my 2001 WAC Championship and Humanitarian Bowl rings on !!!! How bout them Dawgs!!
How Bout Them Dawgs!!!!!!
The feeling they will feel is like no other pain a human can suffer. The stigma they wil carry is a burdon that I would not even begin to consider for my worst enemy to carry. If a few of them are...
For my thoughts on this see my thread "My Thoughts on Joe Pa"
As a survivor of child molestation, I know the pain and scorn these kids are feeling. Fortunately through counseling and therapy I was just recently able to come to grips with what happened to me...
Reminds me of back in the Joe Raymond Peace days of "Calling the Dawgs!" Talk about chilling and very intimidating.
What about when Gravy used to put the huge rat traps in his office at the stadium and tie them off on the handle of the file cabnet so the rats wouldn't run off with his traps. It seems one night a...
Hey Cp what about Sarge falling thru the floor at the house and the 7-11 shirts. You still got yours?
Doc, if you read the post closely concerning CP94. He has been repeatedly been identified. Heck even his screen name will practicslly tell you who he is. If you have had any association with Tech...
What about Gates getting strip searched by the Secret Service in Little Rock because he cut the phone line to the command post. That one nearly got ugly.
Anybody remember the ground crew...
Does "trash can trash can... I can't make it!!!!" mean anything? Or how about the wiffleball games at lunch during two-a-days. Anybody remember BB falling off the truck on the way to lunch??? Or...
El-Awadi was last seen in the Ouachita Parish Correctional Center as of 01/01/07 according to the News Star. He was arrested for possession of 52 and 1/2 bars of Xanax, a bag of marijuana, and 2...
The vcr's dont have to come from Webb Electronics. They are $1500 from them but there are many places even some in Monroe and West Monroe that you can purchase the same make and model for much less...
Jackson was arrested in Ruston at the Citgo on Tech Drive Sunday night and is being held on $350,000.00 bond for second degree murder.
Anybody hear anything recently about former Bulldog great Anthony "Bear" Dade ??
How does a coach figure that giving a waitress $40 will cover meals for an entire traveling party. Initally Coach J-K gave the server $40 and walked out the door of the restaurant and refused to pay...
i drove by the stadium and noticed about 3 inches of dirt and dust on the lights in the concourse area on both the east and west sides of the stadium. i mentioned these lights last year to a few...
felony criminal damage to property
isnt making sure your athletes are productive members of society off the field part of the responsibilities of a head coach. Didnt we relieve a coach of his duties because of a similar situation a...