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  1. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    Cumbie has delivered the first road win in 4 years and some of you want to fire him, smh
  2. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    Whew. I think that last hail Mary was almost PI. Lucky win
  3. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    This is definitely gonna be a Holtz game. 90% with 2 minutes to go and a (likely) loss
  4. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    Idiotic plays stacking up now. Determined to lose. Amazing
  5. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    And it's a block. Another game lost because of a single horrific decision
  6. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    That right there was the Cumbie play. Game on the line, FG probably wins it, let's run a stupid reverse to push us way out of comfortable range
  7. Re: Preview: LA Tech vs. Western Kentucky -

    This is a real Holtz type of game, ha
Results 1 to 7 of 7