At this point, I am convinced this was a really bad head coaching hire. No air raid, being content with 50 yard field goals, and the appearance of being unprepared for the game, play calling, and at...
Type: Posts; User: dawgtired; Keyword(s):
At this point, I am convinced this was a really bad head coaching hire. No air raid, being content with 50 yard field goals, and the appearance of being unprepared for the game, play calling, and at...
Let's talk about what it actually cost to support Tech footbal:
A family of 5:
-- general admission East Side Tix -- $20/each = $100.
-- 5 Johnny's pizza and drink (because that's the best...
Holtz said in his last interview he thinks we have 10 commitments right now. If that’s the case, recruiting was already disrupted by laziness and a reliance on the transfer portal.
This was the conspiracy theory I talked about last Monday - didn't take Vegas long to sniff out that something was rotten in Ruston.
Is it too much of a conspiracy to think someone in the administration had money on the game?
The line if I remember correctly was Marshall favored by 3, then before any word gets out the line...
Any chance Diaz poaches his ol'buddy Skip to be his offensive coordinator?
You can always subscribe to slingTv for $19/month to get ESPN during football season. Best of all you can then use the watchespn app giving you all the espn3 games and replays as well.
I'm looking for four more tickets on the west side. There were a few promotions going - The Ticket Office emailed me an offer for $12/ticket as a thank you for participating in a survey they sent...
Since slavery existed for 100 years under the Stars and Stripes, expect the left to push for a new flag soon. And think about how oppressive our foreign policy has been since 1940. This will...
We "honor" the 84-85 team, and only 2 players from the team show? No Simmons, no Godbolt, no Smith, no Davis, no Bland, no Russo, no Eagles family member. We should have just said we were honoring...
Lots of all-conference honors went to players in the eastern division. Could it be the uneven divisions had something to do with that? (More votes from the eastern teams for the eastern division...
It seems pretty obvious Dixon has no plans on returning next year. No other way to explain finding himself in that situation. It's probably a little fishy how he won his appeal, but who really...
The exception to the rule. The twenty yard punts cost us more.
+1 And the coach that keeps calling for pooch kick-offs and the rugby style 20 yard punts.
Thank you for the info.
What about Dixon? Is he playing or is he suspended too?
So back to the original question. Which players will we be without tomorrow?
The offense took the field like they were going for it, then the qb punted.
Further evidence UAB has no intention of fielding a team past 2016. Alienate what few fans are left.
In college football, You're only as good as your QB.
Hope you luck into a good one like we did! (Hopefully lightning will strike twice for us in the offseason. Gotta keep those fingers crossed.)
Most of us have given more than 6+ years. I've seen Learfield Sports "pull off" nothing. Budget had little to do with the poor effort.
63-10 in favor of the 2nd best looking unis in the country. Time to donate to a kickstarter project to fund a moving van for Skip.
I am really surprised that a pot-head would quit her job to grow more pot. :rolleyes:
And I'd be willing to wager the quality of the news show increased dramatically upon her departure. :laugh:
I understand your point. I guess my question is... Has the band leadership been content with driving a yugo? With more money comes more accountability. I'm not convinced the Band department wants...
So a school with ~4000 on campus students, facing bigger cuts than Tech... Still manages to fund their band better? Is it possible that the current band administration is content to not rock the...