Norton's disqualification was amply covered in the Shreveport media, in fact it dominated local coverage for the day of the hearing. The article is a bit misleading as the first section is devoted to...
Type: Posts; User: JAAgan; Keyword(s):
Norton's disqualification was amply covered in the Shreveport media, in fact it dominated local coverage for the day of the hearing. The article is a bit misleading as the first section is devoted to...
Louisiana Civil Service rules spell out pretty much the same as expressed in the first three posts. See subsection (e)
Dwayne, I knew you might read this and I wanted to phrase the role of the Secretary “delicately.” I will never forget the first WPPJ meeting I went to as a teenager. I had no clue who Ruth Overton...
Should have learned a long time ago, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. This page summarizes the PJ/Home Rule situation and gives you a list of who has what.
Just to clarify a bit, converting to Home Rule Charter at the parish level is not the same as consolidating municipal and parish government, ala Baton Rouge, Lafayette, et al. The basic difference in...
re: Dolan and Schwartz
Re: New York Post
Rupert Murdoch's paper is now a "liberal rag?" Hard to keep up.
For those that asked earlier in the thread, the Governor appointed former Senator John Kyl to serve out McCain's term until the 2020 election.
It really depends on the focus of the teacher. My Masters and beyond work focused on the era of Huey, so my students get beat over the head with that era. Other teachers spend an inordinate amount of...
Appointed by Governor until General Election in 2020.
Yes, he did. This Judge Drew’s grandson.
Judge Drew led the formation of the New Deal Democratic Association in the summer of 1933, shortly after Huey first broke with FDR. Drew and Long had clashed a couple of times over Huey’s overreach...
Or blown the chance to become the home of the MJCNELJCNLSCNLUULM Indian-Warhawks, whatever combination they are using this week.
Here's the conclusion of the article.14291
Steve, it just says that man is Huey Long and tells where the next organizational meeting of the New Deal Democratic Association. Although I don't think the Judge ever named Huey in his speeches....
Have never tried to post a jpg on here before, and don't know how well it will work, and not sure the best place to make this post, but with the LSU game upcoming, seemed like the logical section....
Here is his stat page for us at BPCC.
Former Bulldog offensive lineman and Tech booster Butch Williams lost his battle with cancer today.
One of my favorite trivia questions for my Louisiana History students. “Name the four Louisiana college football teams that have defeated LSU.” So many things to like: 1) that Tech is on the list; 2)...
Closer to 150 years. During Reconstruction, after the Yellow Fever epidemic, Caddo, Bossier and DeSoto Parishes petitioned in 1873 to be allowed to join Texas. The legislature and Governor Kellogg...