This ship is sinking fast.
Type: Posts; User: RUBLUE; Keyword(s):
This ship is sinking fast.
Has any program ever beat both Army and Navy in Bowl Games?
kept it relatively close with a Top 20 Team on the road that “coincidentally” got to take another 20 more free throws.
please make it respectable, we need a good showing vs a quality team
In his defense he hasn’t impregnated a student athlete.
Fire a guy then spend the next decade clawing our way back to where we started.
it’s like lewis is trying not to catch the ball
ESPN gives us a 90% chance to win but I already know we have a 100% chance of losing.
Where’s Turner we need a spark
now let’s see our halftime adjustments… lol
Skip would win a natty with this defense.
Stop dressing QB’s and direct snap to #6 every play.
why do we field punts?
4/5 FG and 16/16 PAT at Tulane
I think we are 4-2 if he’s still a Bulldog.
All hope is now lost we have pissed away 3 seasons of football.
Who would go out their way to put the game in the hands of such an inconsistent kicker?
Jech gonna Jech
I can’t wait to see how this heartbreak plays out
They should go for 2 no way we stop him.
He was definitely not blocked into the receiver. I hate when the flag is right and some clown runs in and over rules it.
We’ll at least we had that one week flash of what Tech football used to be…