Yep, Lois Lerner comes to mind.
Type: Posts; User: hoppinmad; Keyword(s):
Yep, Lois Lerner comes to mind.
I find the save function, etc. in the Open Office Excel clone is fouled up when importing some Excel files ... it'll save, but takes 60+ seconds vs 3. Probably will discover some more issues this...
One turns oneself in. :D
Next rep. gov may have to get haircut in MS:
K. Warren: Geeze, Stokely's hollering it's Bush's fault again.
Mobile Holmes is in a special basket reserved for morons like pelosi, reed and community organizers.
Cheap target practice with Russian Tokarev Model 40 ... click white dot by trigger to begin, aim the weapon with the mouse, squeeze off 3 rounds w/left button. For 3 more rounds, click top selection...
I don't know if "Slats" / Wade Meade is still living, haven't seen him in a long time ... he was a character.
Da, who needa fourth tiresky?
US army builds fake city to shoot at during training
You'd never hear about it ... if the story even ran, it'd be buried on page 50.
This? : )
Near 4 D's at first glance, I would guess an upper crust apt. complex .... at the old Holiday Inn, small mall?
Lockheed high energy laser:
Heh, heh ... probably was Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction. :D
Bet the elephant's above eating a dog:
Fox snapped a pic of Willie Robertson and a J. Davison look alike at the speech last night. Didn't waste my time either, it's gotten down to watching some clown cane pole fish with no bait.
Another Webster's Dictionary pronunciation = heysoos
Out of respect, I'd ship this dog to obammer for tomorrow's lunch :D:
Wish that shirt had a lousy grip on her rack.
I guess the secret service will check out the dog next, he can't stand the pos either: