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  1. Re: Academy's Circular in the Sunday paper in Baton Rouge

    Same ad in New Orleans! Must be snowing in hell. LOL
  2. Replies

    Re: Weekly Odds Thread: OU

    I think, that the Boise / Ole Miss game is being played in Atlanta, makes a little difference also. Not on the Smurf Turf.
  3. Replies

    La Tech: Re: SEZ Live Web Camera Feed -

    Dwayne, Please Help! I went to the link this morning, and instead of seeing Go Bulldogs!, I saw Go Daddy!…..This can't be for real, …OMG,,…it says that this Domain is up for sale. LaTechTV is now...
  4. Re: Auburn Paying Tech $1.2 Million for Homecoming Game

    Muchos gracias Germdawg. He's a Braves fan as well. Sure enough is! I like the large illustration to easily notice the differences. After all of the trouble to get all painted up, you think he...
  5. Re: Auburn Paying Tech $1.2 Million for Homecoming Game

    MOney will come in handy! PS: Did anybody notice anything odd about the guy in the front of the pic wearing a painted on jersey? Hint: the logo on his black cap.
  6. Poll: Re: Let's say LaTech wins the 2014 C-USA Championship

    Thanks Dawg06 for the update! There is still a chance in the future. Seems that things are changing, at the drop of a hat these days.
  7. Poll: Re: Let's say LaTech wins the 2014 C-USA Championship

    [QUOTE=metrydawg;1439364]This is why I brought it up. According to sources, looked up bowl schedule, it says CUSA vs Sunbelt SAme day as New Mexico Bowl.After reading your poll/and thread, I was...
  8. Poll: Re: Let's say LaTech wins the 2014 C-USA Championship

    This is why I brought it up. According to sources, looked up bowl schedule, it says CUSA vs Sunbelt SAme day as New Mexico Bowl. Where did you find out this new find, that CuSA is not involved with...
  9. Poll: Re: Let's say LaTech wins the 2014 C-USA Championship

    Voted for Dallas, in the interest and ease of attendance of a Lot of Bulldog fans. FWIW, and interesting, The New Orleans Bowl, is a CUSA bowl game, and should be on the ballot, if a NON-Cusa bowl,...
  10. Replies

    Re: South Endzone Complex Daily Progress Report

    I have more than one answer, and each answer would depend on a scenario to justify that number. Numbers would range, from 25,000 at a low, and my highest guestimate would be 55,000.
  11. Replies

    Re: Jiffy Lube Corn Dog Banner in Ruston

    He can't really believe this would help business HERE?
  12. Thread: Josh Scobee

    by metrydawg

    Re: Josh Scobee

    When he kicked for Tech, it was a real treat to be in the stands. WE had it going on! The chant of everyone screaming Scobee's name was awesome!
  13. Replies

    Whatcha Think? Re: Gary Johnson - Thoughts?

    I am a registered Libertarian, and proud of it. Gary Johnson is for real. More, and more people will FINALLY get a chance to hear and read up on him. I love America, and I feel that Gary Johnson has...
  14. Re: Football. Television Schedule Set for 2012 Louisiana Tech Football Season - latec

    Well, My wish was for the game to be on a more available channel than the U. ESPNU is not available to basic cable( at least my plan on Cox Cable) or basic satellite plans. ERT Is on Cox Cable. I...
  15. Replies

    Re: QB McCown will be at Saints minicamp

    Better news: The article states that Luke was signed for a year. I wish Luke a great year with the Saints! Go Luke!...Just don't celebrate getting the first down, before hand. My face was beet...
  16. Re: Football. Television Schedule Set for 2012 Louisiana Tech Football Season - latec

    I may not be the only one that feels that the Texas A&M game should be a better channel. ESPNU is not available to many. I hope at least Cox (ESPN ERT)and Espn3 would be able to come to the...
  17. Replies

    Re: Troy Edwards not in LA tech HOF some.
  18. Replies

    Re: Big East Meetings

    Sounds strange, that this school in Jersey...could be serious about the WAC? Come on?...I heard of these people not too long ago, and looked them up after I read that....hold on to your...
  19. Replies

    Re: Big East Meetings

    I was thinking the same. Denver and Seattle U's signed on recently for a reason. The WAC is now cleansed of football,so maybe, it could handle the other sports as a conference and carry on. I seem...
  20. Replies

    Re: Last Chance Warehouse Sale

    I bet ya'll are trying to get rid of all that Tech stuff with WAC on it, to make way for the new CUSA stuff.
  21. Re: Which C-USA l games are ya"ll looking foward to the most?l

    Sugar Bowl...SWEET!!!
  22. Replies

    Question: Re: Tech's In Town - New Orleans

    Was it worth 25? Any over 21 drinks included?
  23. Replies

    Question: Re: Tech's In Town - New Orleans

    Thanks for the info. It's been a long time since Tech was on radio in New Orleans. The late 70's I remember Tech was on WWL 870AM.( WWL is on FM too!!!) At night, WWL AM broadcasts will reach...
  24. Replies

    Question: Re: Tech's In Town - New Orleans

    So how was it? Any talk about how now, CUSA's impact will have on finally getting Tech sports into the news rag we have down here?
  25. Re: Which C-USA l games are ya"ll looking foward to the most?l

    When that time finally gets here, call in all of the local dawgs like myself, and WE'll get er done. Tulane can't hide from us ANYMORE.
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