That Facebook post and another ad for single game tickets is all I've seen as of late...
Type: Posts; User: jellidawg; Keyword(s):
That Facebook post and another ad for single game tickets is all I've seen as of late...
The issue is for those of us that tailgated on the hill surrounding the TAC. As those aren't dedicated tailgating spots, you don't get parking passes for tailgating there. We had a group of 20 that...
It's like they read this board and find ways to piss us off...
I can tell you from experience, Fenway gets HOT in the summer on the first base side for about the first 20 rows. The wife and I went to a July 4 day game there about 10 years ago. We ended up moving...
1,031 home plate chairbacks
254 third base chairbacks
75 first base GA
50 tailgate tent tickets (10 per tent)
1,410 total
@Champ967 - This is an election year. Pretty sure this is aimed at campaign signage.
I have spoken with Solomon regarding this issue. I have also let him know several other people that will not be able to tailgate on the hill this year. He knows that I am frustrated with this policy....
In case some of you didn't know, they are continuing last year's policy of not allowing anyone on the hill after 8 AM, unless you have a red (or higher) parking pass. I personally won't be doing a...
That logo on that background is horrible.
Because that's who we are...
Marq is truly one of the best. He is pretty much the reason our little paper stays afloat here in Morehouse Parish.
Sorry, I'm late to the game. Been a busy weekend.
Technically, I stole that from Pawdawg. He has dropped the ball on that lately, so I figured somebody needed to pick it up and run with it...
I have seen Diaz multiple times do the right thing when an umpire takes a shot from a foul ball. He calls time out and goes to talk to his pitcher. This was also the same time that we did not have a...
That's not who we are.
That's not who we are.
Bastrop is a Daily, but no paper on Sundays or Mondays. They use USPS for delivery.
It is very obvious why The News-Star is losing subscribers. I counted the articles that were written locally in today's dead tree edition. A whopping 4! There were none in the front section, ONE in...
They bring them out in liter jugs with a bunch of Old-Fashioned-sized cups. A couple cups can have you well on your way to a headache.
I like Blue Dog Cafe. It's on Pinhook not far from the DoubleTree. Someone already said that if you wanted to get three sheets to the wind, go to La Fonda's. They add Everclear to their margaritas.
But if it is comping through on the broadcast, it's in his ears too. That is unless they have it where their mics only pick up when they speak, but I would still think some of it would come across....
I would bet that Sections D, E, F, DD, EE and FF still have the $100/seat fee on the bench seats.
I will say that HD was not in the conversations of the people of which I previously mentioned.
It's not that I disagree on the whole with you. However, a good business manager at least recognizes the existence of his customers. I have had numerous people tell me that they were having a...
The big hit on Watson was also the definition of targeting if I remember correctly. The defensive player lead with the crown of his helmet, and it was apparent he did so, as his helmet stripe was...