Doubt any sense has been knocked into Marble Mouth from this.
Mitch McConnell Suffered Concussion in Fall at Former Trump Hotel, Will Remain Hospitalized for Observation and Treatment: Spokesman |...
Type: Posts; User: FriscoDawg; Keyword(s):
Doubt any sense has been knocked into Marble Mouth from this.
Mitch McConnell Suffered Concussion in Fall at Former Trump Hotel, Will Remain Hospitalized for Observation and Treatment: Spokesman |...
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Is Allegedly Removing GOP Members from Party Because They Voted for His Opponent in 2022 Primary | The Gateway Pundit
Turning to Louisiana...
WTH is Kyle Ardoin trying to do? Is he getting backdoor money from Dominion?
LACAG: Louisiana's SOS Kyle Ardoin Is for the Third Time Pushing Dominion Voting Machines...
NEW: House Republicans Vote to Create New Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government - Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats! (VIDEO) (
Hothead GOP Rep. Rogers decided not to step down from the Steering Committee after all. He shouldn't have been given that choice after nearly starting a brawl on the House floor Friday night.
Rules package passes 220-213. Only one Republican "Nay" vote with one not voting. That was Gonzales as expected. Nancy Mace did not vote "nay" despite all of her hot air.
Looks like there was some...
Word is that RINOs were complaining to McCarthy all weekend about the rules package, and he is telling them to suck it up and vote for it anyway. If so and the package passes, then the strategy of...
Until the swamp is drained, you have the beat the swamp at its own game.
Helps to have a basic understanding of what the actual threat was before posting.
The threats to resign were based on getting demwit support to push McCarthy over the line. That didn't happen, so...
Decent summary of this past week. Don't agree with all of it, especially McCarthy. At best he is neither a winner nor a loser since he got the job he wanted but had to give away everything in the...
Perfect example of a demwit as if we needed a reminder.
Boebert and Gaetz have voted present on the 14th ballot, but McCarthy is still one vote short at 216-212-4 with the 2 present. 216 is not a majority of 432 votes.
McCarthy now begging for a change...
Gaetz said he would resign if he worked for demwit votes to be elected Speaker. If McCarthy is elected tonight on the 14th ballot, it will probably be because the negotiations with demwits are for...
McCarthy has gained votes on the 12th ballot, but he will still fall short of the majority needed of the current 434 votes unless some demwits vote present instead of Jeffries to lower the threshold...
That defeatist attitude won't help get the USA out of its current predicament.
I don't like where the GOP is right now either. But voting for Libertarians hands the keys over to demwits.
I 100% disagree with this statement. Marble Mouth is worse than any single demwit because he will work with demwits to complete their agenda without a second thought. There are a bunch of RINOs still...