If '0' don't work... what makes you think that 99999 would?!?!
I made a change elsewhere... but I won't know if it worked until another 60 days or so.
If '0' don't work... what makes you think that 99999 would?!?!
I made a change elsewhere... but I won't know if it worked until another 60 days or so.
Not sure if it helps what you're doing, but I wasn't asked to reset my password.
If you change your password around Halloween, then I'll do that. See ya in 58 days!!
it don't even ask me if I forgot the password...it just tells me it was wrong and after 5 wrong tries I'll be shot.
Then put in the right password....
Well, I had to change my password again. Anybody else?
Me too
I'm an asshole! What's your excuse?
Has BB&B been updated since the Heartbleed bug became known?