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Thread: Guild Wars 2

  1. #1
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Shreveport, LA

    Guild Wars 2

    Any GW2 players on here?

  2. #2
    Champ BoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud of BoutThemDawgs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Guild Wars 2

    I am but in the process of recovering my account.

  3. #3
    Champ BoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud of BoutThemDawgs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Guild Wars 2

    Woot got my account back.

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