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Thread: Xbox Gamertags

  1. #1
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
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    Xbox Gamertags

    So I'm several years late to the party, but I got an xbox for christmas.

    Gamertag: sCoupe03

    I have Madden, ncaa, and halo if anyone wants to hit me up.

    EDIT: - So now I see that there is already another thread with this exact same title. Whoops.
    Last edited by ITdrummer; 12-27-2012 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Varsity Bulldog SteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the roughSteveyTI is a jewel in the rough
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX

    Re: Xbox Gamertags

    SteveyTI - NCAA, Halo 4, Black Ops 2

  3. #3
    Champ BoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud ofBoutThemDawgs has much to be proud of BoutThemDawgs's Avatar
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    Re: Xbox Gamertags

    My GT is now Shearlocks Comb, Right now I'm playing Halo 4, Black ops 2, NCAA, Mass Effect 3, and Far Cry 3.

  4. #4
    Champ Champ967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond repute Champ967's Avatar
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    Re: Xbox Gamertags

    My 7yo had the honor of selecting our GamerTag -- look for CaptJakeLizard. (Yes -- named for his pet lizard.)

    He plays Skylanders. And I play Halo4 once he's in bed.

  5. #5
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Shreveport, LA

    Re: Xbox Gamertags

    I need some online competition in NCAA 13. Someone hit me up one day. We can take turns using Tech. lol

    Gamertag: sCoupe03

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