It seems we always have the first home game after some blow out body bag game. I can't think of anything worse to get people's enthusiasm up. If we have 17000 Saturday I will be surprised.
It seems we always have the first home game after some blow out body bag game. I can't think of anything worse to get people's enthusiasm up. If we have 17000 Saturday I will be surprised.
It is Lamar, as well. Not exactly a big draw....
Ill go with 20k.
I say 21,550 as folks come to see the new team and staff at work.
22,001--I think people are ready to see some football.
I don't really care, it's going to be a fun day of tailgating and seeing old friends.
You people think everyone goes for the game? Those days are long gone. They go for lots of other reasons and the actual game is only a minor part. We'll have a good crowd because everyone wants to go see their fellow dog fans, eat, drink, see and be seen, laugh, etc. I want to see the new NWTAG trailor. Plan on watching some Tech volleyball in the air-conditioned TAC at noon too. Watching college girls jump around isn't a bad activity before going to watch a bunch of guys bang into each other over a leather football. IMO :icon_wink:
All I was saying is that you won't get many casual fans. Of course the tech fans will be there. If we had won there would be close to 25000, if not more.
My dad taught me best way to win this as a bet , smartest man I ever knew. 2 tours Korea-2 tours nam. Guarantee we will have between 34-35,000 at the game. Guarantee.
Right under 23,000 if its not 101 degrees
''Don't be a bad dagh..."
21, 750