Bitch bitch whine whine. Holtz sucks. Bitch some more. O-Line sucks. Keep on bitching. Receivers suck. Bitch bitch bitch some more. Skippy doesn't know anything. Whine, whine bitching bitching bitching. Damn we miss Hunter Lee. Bitch bitch bitch. Did I say Holtz sucks. Whine whine whine. What a disgrace. Bitch Bitch Bitch Dixon fumbles too much. Bitch Bitch Maybe its Bush's fault. Bitch Bitch Bitch. Or maybe its Obama's fault. Bitch Bitch Bitch. How bout if we all bitch some more. You don't know what you're talking about. Bitch Bitch. No, you don't know what you're talking about. Bitch Bitch Whine Whine.

I know three things.
1. After last years debacle we are playing the final game of the regular season for the right to play in the CUSA championship game. I will be there cheering on our Dawgs. GO DAWGS!
2. We are going bowling.
3. Most of this board needs to be on Xanax.