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Thread: Loyal Blue Weekends

  1. #1
    Puppy ExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of lightExperienceRuston is a glorious beacon of light ExperienceRuston's Avatar
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    Loyal Blue Weekends

    Hey Tech Fans,

    The Ruston Lincoln Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, the City of Ruston and Louisiana Tech University Alumni Association have partnered together and are excited to introduce a new game day tradition, Loyal Blue Weekends. LA Tech fans of all ages and from all over will now have a new game day experience that involves live music, LA Tech Spirit Groups and Champ, and free transportation to Joe Aillet Stadium to cheer on the Bulldogs. The inaugural event will kick off Friday, September 9th and continue for every home game weekend through November 12th.

    We are excited to invite all Football fans to Downtown Ruston for the Tech Football Weekends. We fully expect this concept to continue evolving to provide an enjoyable experience for all fans. This event was created solely with the fans in mind, so we need you there to make it a success. Please tell your friends and family about this new Tech Tradition!

    Below you can find some more details about the Loyal Blue Weekends and other useful game day info.

    Loyal Blue Weekend Blog Post http://goo.gl/pihNyY

    Tech Game Day for Dummies 2016 Blog Post http://goo.gl/Fi4vId

    Game Day Recipes Blog Post http://goo.gl/jBHQW1

    Hope to see you Friday!

  2. #2
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    For the benefit of both, it is imperative that Ruston and Tech partner in promoting both the city and the university. Events like this can lay the groundwork for other cooperative endeavors. Ruston, indeed, Lincoln Parish should be "all in" for everything Tech!

  3. #3
    Champ THEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond repute THEarmada's Avatar
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    Hattiesburg, MS

    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Thanks for the info! Wish I could participate.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Quote Originally Posted by ExperienceRuston View Post
    Hey Tech Fans,

    The Ruston Lincoln Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, the City of Ruston and Louisiana Tech University Alumni Association have partnered together and are excited to introduce a new game day tradition, Loyal Blue Weekends. LA Tech fans of all ages and from all over will now have a new game day experience that involves live music, LA Tech Spirit Groups and Champ, and free transportation to Joe Aillet Stadium to cheer on the Bulldogs. The inaugural event will kick off Friday, September 9th and continue for every home game weekend through November 12th.

    We are excited to invite all Football fans to Downtown Ruston for the Tech Football Weekends. We fully expect this concept to continue evolving to provide an enjoyable experience for all fans. This event was created solely with the fans in mind, so we need you there to make it a success. Please tell your friends and family about this new Tech Tradition!

    Below you can find some more details about the Loyal Blue Weekends and other useful game day info.

    Loyal Blue Weekend Blog Post http://goo.gl/pihNyY

    Tech Game Day for Dummies 2016 Blog Post http://goo.gl/Fi4vId

    Game Day Recipes Blog Post http://goo.gl/jBHQW1

    Hope to see you Friday!
    Really good stuff here! Great mayor and great Tech folks reppin' Ruston! Thanks for posting!

  5. #5
    Bulldog cnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nicecnn003 is just really nice
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Quote Originally Posted by ExperienceRuston View Post
    Hey Tech Fans,

    The Ruston Lincoln Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, the City of Ruston and Louisiana Tech University Alumni Association have partnered together and are excited to introduce a new game day tradition, Loyal Blue Weekends. LA Tech fans of all ages and from all over will now have a new game day experience that involves live music, LA Tech Spirit Groups and Champ, and free transportation to Joe Aillet Stadium to cheer on the Bulldogs. The inaugural event will kick off Friday, September 9th and continue for every home game weekend through November 12th.

    We are excited to invite all Football fans to Downtown Ruston for the Tech Football Weekends. We fully expect this concept to continue evolving to provide an enjoyable experience for all fans. This event was created solely with the fans in mind, so we need you there to make it a success. Please tell your friends and family about this new Tech Tradition!

    Below you can find some more details about the Loyal Blue Weekends and other useful game day info.

    Loyal Blue Weekend Blog Post http://goo.gl/pihNyY

    Tech Game Day for Dummies 2016 Blog Post http://goo.gl/Fi4vId

    Game Day Recipes Blog Post http://goo.gl/jBHQW1

    Hope to see you Friday!
    Good stuff here!

  6. #6
    Champ CutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to behold
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Re: that first link. Yes, we know she's now a tech student, but i thought it weird as i read the description of the girl fishing as a graduate of LSU, etc. Couldn't they find someone without bringing up LSU? But other than that, all the activities sound like a great idea.

  7. #7
    Champ TYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends


  8. #8
    2006 & 2011 BB&B Men's Bracket Champion (investigation underway) boxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond reputeboxerdog has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    My party is going to eat downtown and catch the shuttle to the game. I'll comment on the operation next week.
    Have you considered those Dogs?

  9. #9
    Hunter Lee's Hero HogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond repute HogDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Quote Originally Posted by ExperienceRuston View Post
    Hey Tech Fans,

    The Ruston Lincoln Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, the City of Ruston and Louisiana Tech University Alumni Association have partnered together and are excited to introduce a new game day tradition, Loyal Blue Weekends. LA Tech fans of all ages and from all over will now have a new game day experience that involves live music, LA Tech Spirit Groups and Champ, and free transportation to Joe Aillet Stadium to cheer on the Bulldogs. The inaugural event will kick off Friday, September 9th and continue for every home game weekend through November 12th.

    We are excited to invite all Football fans to Downtown Ruston for the Tech Football Weekends. We fully expect this concept to continue evolving to provide an enjoyable experience for all fans. This event was created solely with the fans in mind, so we need you there to make it a success. Please tell your friends and family about this new Tech Tradition!

    Below you can find some more details about the Loyal Blue Weekends and other useful game day info.

    Loyal Blue Weekend Blog Post http://goo.gl/pihNyY

    Tech Game Day for Dummies 2016 Blog Post http://goo.gl/Fi4vId

    Game Day Recipes Blog Post http://goo.gl/jBHQW1

    Hope to see you Friday!


  10. #10
    Champ THEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond repute THEarmada's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Hopefully the good folks of Ruston and Monroe show up for this new tradition tonight. I wish I could be there.

  11. #11
    Champ THEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond reputeTHEarmada has a reputation beyond repute THEarmada's Avatar
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    Hattiesburg, MS

    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Also, are the bars open late yet?

  12. #12
    Big Dog LATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really niceLATECH87 is just really nice LATECH87's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Did any of you guys go? If so, now was it?

  13. #13
    Champ OLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond reputeOLDBLUE has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Must not be up yet.

  14. #14
    Champ maverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond reputemaverick has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Then it must have been pretty good!

  15. #15
    Champ Champ967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond reputeChamp967 has a reputation beyond repute Champ967's Avatar
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    Re: Loyal Blue Weekends

    Quote Originally Posted by OLDBLUE View Post
    Must not be up yet.

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