For those of you who couldn't make it out to the first Loyal Blue Weekend, it was a great success and we had a really good turnout considering the heat! A few hundred people came out to Downtown Ruston for Rock the Railroad. The kids loved the bounce house and the face painting, and all fans really seemed to enjoy the Tech spirit groups performances and the live music by The Bluesaholics. The LA Tech Band of Pride even went around and played in some shops and restaurants downtown which got a great response from the patrons. On Saturday the Tech Trolley shuttled 115 people and continued to run despite the weather and game delay.
We hope you'll join us this Friday and Saturday for another great Loyal Blue Weekend (*But wear RED to the game*) as LA Tech Football takes on UTEP! Code Blue & The Flatliners will be playing during Rock the Railroad (6:30-8:30pm) and we'll have all the same activities as before. The Movie in the Quad on Friday night will be Now You See Me 2 (8:30pm on LA Tech's campus). For updates and more info visit the Loyal Blue Weekend Facebook event at Go Dogs!