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Thread: China

  1. #751
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan's islands...

    named Matsu, Quemoy, Penghu are in the Taiwan Strait, and two of those are right on top of China, along their coast. These are forward bases held by Taiwan and would be, of course, the first attacked by the Chicoms. Quemoy is only 6 miles off the China coast, and houses aircraft, patrol boats, long range artillery and missiles that can strike targets deep inside of the Chicom mainland. In 1949 the Chinese commies tried to seize the islands and were bloodily repulsed. Taiwan has held them ever since. Quemoy is also known as Kinmen.

  2. #752
    Champ FriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond repute FriscoDog's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Didn't know where to post this here or under Biden's admin... but how much more confusing can you be...

    Biden's SOS Blinken said he doesn't support Taiwan independence. This after Biden said we would defend Taiwan with everything we had... Nothing like having "adults" in charge.. These people are clueless...


    It also tells you who the government bows down to.. just like big Tech, NBA, and others who sell out their principles and freedom for $$$.

  3. #753
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Umm...shouldn't an administration at least try to have one, cohesive policy position on issues, especially as one as critical as this?

  4. #754
    Champ techman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    Umm...shouldn't an administration at least try to have one, cohesive policy position on issues, especially as one as critical as this?
    Cohesive policy position. Ha! Why have a cohesive policy when it’s more fun to change your mind when it’s expedient?

  5. #755

  6. #756
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan has developed missiles that can reach Beijing. The Taiwanese have one of the most innovative, active domestic defense industries in the world. Yes, they do buy weapons from other nations, including the US, but because of the delicate balancing act the world is trying to hold onto, in order to not upset the Chicoms, most countries limit what and how much they will sell to Taiwan. So, they were forced to develop a defense industry and it has delivered big time.

    Depending on the source...and there are many out there...you could believe Taiwan is completely helpless and would be an easy victory for the Chicoms or know that is not the case. Putin learned the hard way that invading a seemingly "helpless" nation is not as easy as it first appeared. The Chicoms know Taiwan is no soft touch. And provided the US and our allies make good on the promise to defend Taiwan, no way will the commie bastards risk it.

    In the news, China has launched its third aircraft carrier, and Japan its first since World War II. Japan's carrier is not designed for "blue ocean" operations, i.e. global missions/journeys. Rather it is designed to defend Japan and to operate "regionally" which includes their nearby neighbor, Taiwan. Japan does have, and have operated, two helicopter carriers...which can be modified to accommodate vertical takeoff/landing aircraft...like the F-35B jets. Not coincidentally Japan has entered into a contract to buy 42 F-35B jet fighters. If Japan converts its helicopter carriers to aircraft carriers it will have three to match the Chicoms.

  7. #757
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Western companies are fleeing China. Nearly 30% of companies have shut down operations there, some maintaining a domestic presence only, operations that sell in China, but ending international exporting. Citing ridiculous "China Virus" regulations and other Chicom laws businesses say it is impossible to operate profitably there. It's past "about time." Hopefully more western companies will abandon China, move to more friendly nations, and render the Chicoms broke and wallowing economically.

  8. #758

  9. #759

  10. #760

  11. #761

  12. #762

  13. #763

  14. #764
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Chicoms threaten to shoot down Pelosi's plane. Go ahead we double-dog dare ya!

  15. #765
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    Chicoms threaten to shoot down Pelosi's plane. Go ahead we double-dog dare ya!
    an excuse for the adults to make her stay home. Gotta love globalism

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