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DOJ shuts down China-focused anti-espionage program
The China Initiative is being cast aside largely because of perceptions that it unfairly painted Chinese Americans and U.S. residents of Chinese origin as disloyal.
By grouping cases under the China Initiative rubric, we helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct related to that country or that we in some way view people with racial, ethnic or familial ties to China differently,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew Olsen said in remarks prepared for delivery at George Mason University in Virginia.
in other words.... The DOJ has been compromised by the CCP..![]()
Yeppers! a bunch of Chinese-Americans claim "racism" and that their heritage has been unfairly targeted. Funny thing is one of those convicted was a fellow of European descent but who was engaged in illegal activity with the Chicoms.
Just one more brick in the wall of utter destruction of America, courtesy of the Bidenites.
The Chicoms are playing it smart re: Taiwan. I haven't seen this written/talked about anywhere, so this is just my take on it. Here goes...
Been noticing how the Chicoms keep sending more and more planes into Taiwan air space, just about every day now. I asked myself, why? I think they are slowly lulling Taiwan's air defense into a state of complacency. The Chicoms send 14 planes, a mix of fighters, fighter-bombers, and bombers, and also a radar jamming plane. Taiwan usually scrambles just two F-16s to go up and politely "invite" the Chicoms to turn around, which they do. Then they send 16 planes, then 18 planes, and always two F-16s go up and perform the routine escorting the interlopers out of Taiwan airspace.
Two things: 1) they are lulling Taiwan into a routine, and 2) they are timing how long it takes for the F-16's to scramble and, and this most important, from which bases they scramble, which is different depending on which part of Taiwan the Chicoms fly over. All the Chicoms will do, when they actually attack, is send in the right mix of bombers armed with concrete-busting missiles and tear up the runways denying Taiwan getting more than a few F-16s up.
Taiwan is heavily dependent on its fleet of about 140 F-16s to defend its airspace, attack Chicom ships/landing crafts, and provide cover for its ground forces. If the vast majority are left grounded because the runways are full of deep holes...Taiwan will be in deep chit. Which is why a nation needs aircraft carriers as part of its arsenal. They can maneuver and defend themselves.
Yes, it is true, the F-16s are just a part of the overall defense system and even without them Taiwan will extract a heavy toll on the Chicoms. With their full compliment of F-16s many pundits think Taiwan can win the battle. Not a prolonged war (unless the US and our allies are heavily involved) but the initial battle, denying the Chicoms a beachhead on the island nation.
Just my theory as to why the Chicoms keep sending planes day after day...FWIW.
Seems like a reasonable strategy
So would you say that attacking Taiwan would/should be the beginning of WW3?
No developed nation can exist without the chips that are made in Taiwan. No cars, no appliances, no bombs, no planes, no computers, etc. Sure, some chips are being made outside of Taiwan, but not nearly enough to support modern societies (I think I read we produce about 12% of the chips made).
Of course, we could just sit by and buy the chips from China (like we buy everything else), assuming they are willing to share.
What’s the angle here?