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Thread: China

  1. #736
    Champ DawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond reputeDawgyNWindow has a reputation beyond repute DawgyNWindow's Avatar
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    Re: China

    I see the adults have decided to stop the Trump era program designed to keep China from stealing our IP. They called it "racial profiling".

  2. #737
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by DawgyNWindow View Post
    I see the adults have decided to stop the Trump era program designed to keep China from stealing our IP. They called it "racial profiling".
    Same people who were offended by calling it the "China Virus" even after we knew FOR CERTAIN China was responsible for it.

  3. #738
    Champ FriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDawg has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by DawgyNWindow View Post
    I see the adults have decided to stop the Trump era program designed to keep China from stealing our IP. They called it "racial profiling".
    Follow the money the "adults" are getting.

  4. #739
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    A Chicom rocket slammed into the moon today. No, it was not some ICBM test, but rather a discarded rocket from China in 2014, which was floating in space and got caught up in the moon's gravity. It hit the dark side.

  5. #740
    Champ FriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond repute FriscoDog's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    A Chicom rocket slammed into the moon today. No, it was not some ICBM test, but rather a discarded rocket from China in 2014, which was floating in space and got caught up in the moon's gravity. It hit the dark side.
    One of my favorite albums is Pink Floyd.. Dark side of the Moon..

  6. #741
    Champ techman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond reputetechman05 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by FriscoDog View Post
    One of my favorite albums is Pink Floyd.. Dark side of the Moon..

  7. #742

  8. #743

  9. #744
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan has been motivated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine to enhance their own readiness. They have now filled the ranks of 24 battalions of reservists who are scheduled to start basic training this month. Taiwan is also supporting the formation of local militias who will be supplied and trained by the military and whose role is seen as local guerilla units designed to make life miserable for Chicom troops, should it come to that. Private businesses/companies are stepping up preparations to protect their assets and have separate, in-house power sources (generators) and computer back up to allow them to operate, even during a war, and be able to recover to full operations after a war. There are underground hospitals and bunkers built to house civilians seeking shelter during a conflict.

    In the bigger picture, working with their QUAD allies, led by Japan and Australia, since the US has kind of disappeared...no leadership in DC...Taiwan has redundant systems, reserves, and an array of mid-range missiles and long-range artillery to attack Chicom forces before they can leave Chinese ports and as they are enroute across the Taiwan Strait. Experts predict the Chicoms will launch hundreds of missiles as a first strike in an attempt to take out key targets, such as Taiwan's missile batteries and to hit the bases of her F-16s. Planners have anticipated a worse-case scenario and are prepared to hide and protect much of their assets so they will survive any first strike by the Chicoms.

    There is NO WAY the Chicoms can launch a surprise attack against Taiwan. No matter what they do the Chicoms have to tip their hand as to a pending action, and Taiwan and her allies will know in plenty of time what steps need to be taken.

    Xi can pound his chest like some goofy gorilla, but no way is even he foolish enough to try to take Taiwan militarily. It will be a complete disaster, especially if the US is involved. The Chicoms will get their asses kicked and NONE of their invasion force will even reach the shores of Taiwan. Instead, if Xi really wants to take over Taiwan, he needs to do it slowly, first by destroying Taiwan from the inside. Erode its culture, break down its will for independence, and the best ally Xi can get is George Soros, the master of anti-good.

    BTW, Soros just published another of his essays (fascinating reading, if you like looking inside the mind of a madman) and in it he criticizes both Putin and Xi, effectively saying physical destruction of target nations is not the way to go about it. I read every Soros essay I can find. Have to know what the enemy of goodness is thinking, ya understand.

    For instance, Soros published a collection of his essays some years back focused on economics. If you take some excerpts out of it, a few paragraphs, and look at them on their own, you would think a brilliant, good, and very conservative person wrote it. He offers that sound, VERY conservative fiscal/monetary/economic polices are best for a nation. But! failing that, which most, if not all, countries do, well then draconian, liberal, socialist policies are needed to fix everything. He's an interesting fellow...when he's not funding bus loads of thugs to burn down American cities.

    Back to Taiwan, they are as ready as any small nation can be to defend itself against a big bully.

  10. #745
    Champ FriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond repute FriscoDog's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Secretary Antony Blinken

    United States government official
    Perpetrators of human rights abuses must continue to face consequences. The United States has taken action to impose visa restrictions on PRC officials for attempting to intimidate, harass, and repress dissidents and human rights defenders inside and outside of China.

    Goosey cannot be happy with this..

  11. #746
    Champ glm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond repute
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    The Twilight Zone

    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by FriscoDog View Post
    One of my favorite albums is Pink Floyd.. Dark side of the Moon..
    Awesome album.

  12. #747

  13. #748

  14. #749

  15. #750

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