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Thread: China

  1. #901
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    The key...no, not key, CRITICAL! agreements with island nations in the Pacific are set to expire soon and the WH and Congress are blaming each other and not sealing the renewals. The cost to us for all these agreements, known as COFA, $120 million per year. As one pundit points out that equates to 90 minutes of routine Medicaid fraud. Meanwhile the Chicoms have left a blank check with each of those nations telling them to fill it in, tell the Americans to take a hike, and just leave it to China for all your needs and "protection." Every one of those tiny countries told China to hold that thought and then contacted the US with a "Well, what's going on?"

    Saying the federal guvmint is "dysfunctional" is being too kind.

  2. #902
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Over 20,000 young Chinese men have illegally crossed our southern border, most into California. That is equal to a Chicom infantry division. How did these young fellows get out of China to immigrate? I have been to China, twice, and their borders are closely guarded with machineguns pointing inward, to keep their people from fleeing. Why is it just young, military-aged men? If they are legit immigrants seeking a better life there should be a mix of ages, and women and children too.

    Nothing good is gonna come from this.

  3. #903
    Champ FriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond reputeFriscoDog has a reputation beyond repute FriscoDog's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    Over 20,000 young Chinese men have illegally crossed our southern border, most into California. That is equal to a Chicom infantry division. How did these young fellows get out of China to immigrate? I have been to China, twice, and their borders are closely guarded with machineguns pointing inward, to keep their people from fleeing. Why is it just young, military-aged men? If they are legit immigrants seeking a better life there should be a mix of ages, and women and children too.

    Nothing good is gonna come from this.
    People in China don't go to the bathroom without the central government knowledge/approval. China knows every single person who has "entered" our country and for what purpose.

  4. #904
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Tensions rise again (still) as two Chinese "fishermen" died in a boating accident close to one of Taiwan's owned islands, like Kinmen, which are located within a few kilometers of the Chicom shore. It's amazing how Taiwan has managed to hold onto to these remote islands so close to China. The only civilians on the islands are government contract workers and the rest are all Taiwanese military personnel. The islands are armed fortresses, and they house electronic eavesdropping and jamming equipment. If China were to attack Taiwan these islands would be struck first giving plenty of warning to mainland Taiwan. They have anti-aircraft missiles and batteries, anti-ship weapons, and defensive works on all beaches/shorelines which include remote-controlled weapons. The Chicoms could/would capture the islands after a hard fight and pay a very heavy price for it.

    Back to the boating incident...the Taiwanese claim the "fishermen" were fishing for information and were Chicom spies. They were approached by a Taiwanese patrol boat and ordered to halt but took off in a high-speed chase. The boat flipped on its own trying to make a fast, sharp turn. Both men were pronounced dead at the scene. Now the Chicoms are claiming Taiwan is responsible for their deaths and wants an international court to investigate the incident. This occurred in Taiwanese territorial waters near one of the islands.

    Meanwhile, the Chicoms continue to harass other nation's fishing fleets in their territorial waters. The Philippines have been the target of numerous harassments by Chicom military ships, their coast guard cutters usually. And South American nations continue having to deal with hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels illegally fishing in their territorial waters.

    The Chicoms are bullies and is way past time for the world to stand up to them. I say "the world" because we know there are those in this country who don't want to help other countries stand up to bullies.

  5. #905
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Chicom coast guard cutter stopped and boarded a Taiwanese tour boat near the island of Kinmen. It occurred in international waters about a mile from Taiwanese territorial waters off the island. The Chicoms, armed with sub-machineguns, boarded the boat, checked the papers of the boat and of passengers (tourists), then departed without further incident. Many of the tourists say they were frightened beyond measure, fearful of being taken to mainland China against their will. This is a violation of international maritime law since the Chicoms had no "reasonable" suspicions concerning the tour boat or any particular passengers. It was a random stop meant to bully and intimate Taiwan and organizations/businesses operating out of Taiwan.

    The Chicoms are trying to spark a response so they will have an excuse to initiate military action against Taiwan, or the Philippines or any nation who refuses to buckle to their bullying tactics.

  6. #906
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan launches its first domestically built attack sub. This is awesome! Of course, the Chicoms are pissed since they think sovereign nations don't have the right to protect themselves against bullies...like them.

  7. #907
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    India showed off their two new aircraft carriers, putting them through their paces in a shakedown cruise. When asked about them Indian defense ministers replied emphatically "this is all about standing up to the China threat." Of course, the Chicoms responded that India is being "provocative" and "escalating tensions." Well, if the Chicoms were not such a dangerous bully, nations like India wouldn't feel the need to build up their militaries.

  8. #908
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan just announced they are building 200 sea drones, modeled after the very successful Ukranian version, to defend against a Chicom invasion fleet. Good stuff! In addition to the kamikaze sea drones, Taiwan is developing a larger unmanned attack craft that will carry torpedoes and anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles. They plan to deploy a dozen of these crafts initially to work in conjunction with the kamikaze drones.

  9. #909
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    Taiwan just announced they are building 200 sea drones, modeled after the very successful Ukranian version, to defend against a Chicom invasion fleet. Good stuff! In addition to the kamikaze sea drones, Taiwan is developing a larger unmanned attack craft that will carry torpedoes and anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles. They plan to deploy a dozen of these crafts initially to work in conjunction with the kamikaze drones.
    Taiwan also just launched two new coast guard cutters, both built by their domestic military industry. The Taiwanese have become quite the military industrial players! That's good because it won't be long before some bozo in Congress/WH will want to cut them off of military aid from the US. But, seriously, it is good that so many of our allies are becoming self-sufficient in building up their militaries. Let's just be sure to keep them as allies...

  10. #910
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    At least the Chicoms got a little grief for their incursions into Africa. They will find out that normal, human, civilized rules don't work in Africa. Add to that the Islamic extremism factor...case in point recently...and the Chicoms will learn that Africa is simply not worth it. Oh, they did get dealt a blow in Sudan and they deserve it too.

  11. #911
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Japan continues to build up its military, all aimed at defending itself against the Chicoms. They have been fortifying their western coast and their various islands, and just recently, established a new missile base on Okinawa which includes their very latest anti-ship missile, the Type 12, with an effective range of 1,000km. It's not lost on the Chicoms that Okinawa is 720km away from its coast. I love the response from a ranking Japanese defense official when the Chicoms complained that Japan's military buildup appears to be aimed at China, he essentially responded, "Duh!"

    The Japs are placing anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile batteries, supported by an array of long-range guns, on every island large enough to support a placement. It's a wall of thunder!

    The US has recently established three more bases along the "inner island chain" as the string of islands along the China coast is called, two airbases supporting F-35s, and a Marine base and Naval support station.

  12. #912
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Speaking of the Chicoms, just watched an in-depth analysis video on China's domestic military industrial complex. Man, are they ever far behind the west! The best technology they have is either dated, such as what was shared with them back in the 1990's (some courtesy of the Klinton administration) from western countries, during that period when we were trying to play nice in the sandbox with China, or that which has been stolen. A good example is China's latest main battle tank...it's a piece of junk! Pundits say the Chicoms' best tank, a Type 99, would lose a duel with the Soviet-era T72 and it wouldn't even be close. We've seen how poorly the T72 has performed in Ukraine and elsewhere...Hell! the T72 was Saddam Hussien's main tank and they got their butts whipped back in 1991 in the Gulf War and again in 2003 by US and other western tanks.

    China lacks a viable "blue water" fleet and even their navy they keep close to home, as it is, is barely adequate. I like what a British navy pundit called the Chicom ships..."targets."

    China's military is nothing but a paper tiger. Lots of numbers, but no quality, and they know it too.

  13. #913
    Big Dog tech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to alltech70 is a name known to all
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    Re: China

    There is intelligence that the missiles are fuel with water as the fuel was stolen/sold.

  14. #914
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Quote Originally Posted by tech70 View Post
    There is intelligence that the missiles are fuel with water as the fuel was stolen/sold.
    ??? What missiles?

  15. #915
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: China

    Taiwan just commissioned two corvettes, adding to their fleet. Corvettes are smaller than frigates, designed to be fast attack vessels. In this case these ships have a compliment of 41 officers and crew, armed with an array of weapons, such as missiles, rapid-fire cannons, torpedoes and depth-charges. Depending on the nation, the navy, corvettes can be different sizes designed for different purposes. In this case Taiwan's version can hit 50 knots in speed, in fairly calm seas, of course. The Norwegians have a corvette, slightly smaller, that has a top speed of 60 knots, that is crazy fast! The US Badr class corvette has a top speed of 32 knots, but ours are designed to be a part of a fleet, like protecting aircraft carriers, and not meant to operate independently.

    Watched a video on "How China can win a war vs. Taiwan." Ummm, even this guy, who seems to be rooting for China to take over Taiwan, had to make a lot of assumptions that favored the Chicoms just to arrive at a scenario where China would be successful. Nah! the Chicoms would lose and lose badly. Well, I am assuming the US and our allies will support Taiwan in such a war. Totally on their own, with absolutely zero outside help, Taiwan would greatly punish the Chicoms in the event of an all-out invasion. The casualties and losses of equipment, ships, planes, etc. suffered by the Chicoms would surpass what Putin has lost in two years of war, and all inside of a month. But, if China was willing to take the losses, eventually they would wear down the much smaller Taiwanese military and capture the island nation. One pundit estimates an all-out war just between China and Taiwan would last about 6 months, with the Chicoms suffering HUGE losses. But, with ally help Taiwan will prevail in any war, which is why the Chicoms beat on their chest like some fat gorilla but that's all they do.

    I have a crazy idea, why don't all these thug dictators just take their ball and go home, and the world can step away from the edge of the cliff of World War III.

    "Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King

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