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This situation is heating up. India has been massing units near Bhutan for a possible showdown with the Chicoms. Bhutan has asked India to intervene on their behalf...diplomatically...as Bhutan is a peace-loving society wishing to avoid a war, at all costs. That's part of their problem as they have already essentially told the Chicoms they will not fight to defend their territory. That's all the big bully China needed to hear, thus the on-going incursion.
India's hands are tied, except to do what China is doing, effectively "invade" Bhutan themselves and establish their own defensive works and bases. Bhutan does not want India in their country either, but China is invading, ignoring all diplomatic please to withdraw, and either India matches them or allow China to seize Bhutan. This is exactly what China did when it invaded and then annexed Tibet. Hardly a shot was fired when Red China invaded and seized Tibet in 1950. Then a revolt against the Chicoms by Tibetan rebels, in 1959, ended after a brief war. The world shrugged then and is shrugging now as Bhutan is being swallowed by China. Of course, the world hardly blinked when Hiter invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia, prior to his invasion of Poland.
India is a "big boy" capable of taking care of itself. They can certainly match China, blow for blow, even in an all-out war. The Bhutan situation is not registering at all on world meters...the UN refused to even talk about it, marking it off the agenda at their latest meeting. China has veto power in the UN anyway, so there is no need to waste time discussing it. But, since India has been in, then out, and now apparently back in Trump's anti-China Quads, this Bhutan mess might be the ticket to keep India firmly onboard with the US and our allies. It was rather easy for India to dismiss China's bullying of Taiwan and The Philippines, but now that they have a chip in the game, they should see the whole thing in a different light.