The latest carriers, of the Gerald Ford class, are under construction. The first, the CVN-78 USS Gerald Ford is now in service. The next to be launched will be CVN-79 USS John Kennedy...and third, CVN-80 USS Enterprise. There will be 11 new carriers phasing out the last of the aging Nimitz class, the newest of which was built in the 1970's.

Also, under the "ownership" of the US Marines, we are building brand new "lightning" attack carriers. The first already in service is the USS America. These smaller carriers can carry 20 F-35 fighters, and a few helicopters, and are very fast! They will serve as escort carriers during fleet action when cargo vessels will need protection, and they can be deployed into troubled areas where a small carrier, in support of our latest, very powerful cruisers, will deliver sufficient firepower.

Together with our powerful, yet speedy, cruisers, these America class carriers can get to places all over the globe in a hurry! Don't blink, bad guys, the US will be there quick!

But the BIG BOYS are the super carriers of the Ford class.

And I pray they never have to see real war....