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On this site they show 14 cases in Louisiana as "unassigned" to a specific parish. I assume the cases I know of, and not shown on the other site, are included in that 14 number.
I also know of an infected person, originally assigned to a parish now showing 0 cases, went to Texas to stay with his/her daughter. The person in question is elderly and needs daily care, even before the C-19 showed up.
Haven't posted today's update yet...but as of yesterday the positive test rate was holding steady, now at 12.8%.
56 of 64 parishes now...and positive test rate has climbed to 13.2%.
Death rate in the state is 4.1%. That is deaths measured against confirmed cases. Probably not the best metrics to use as they are/will be many infected who will neither be tested nor die.
I can't even imagine what the uproar would have been if they had cancelled Mardi Gras! This was so predictable though. They are all talking out of both sides of their mouth- mad when he does anything to curtail spread, and mad if he doesn't. Interesting times for sure!
Silly Louisiana and Mardi Gras. It might have bit you big time this year.
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, drink, be merry.”
32 What do I gain if, humanly speaking, wI fought with beasts at Ephesus?
If the dead are not raised,x“Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”
Heard a rumor that people are being stopped crossing state lines to get to work at places deemed essential like oil and gas and healthcare. Any truth to this?
I am not a fan of LaToya Cantrell. But in fairness her aim really wan't Trump. It was more so the CDC and the information it was given and/or not given through the New Orleans Health Department. That's been clear in her public statements since.
This was one soundbite in a longer interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN where he really went after her - unfairly. Of course, the soundbite was taken out of context. In a way, she has been hit with the same sensationalized journalism that Trump deals with every day. For many in the media in Louisiana that type of sensationalism was a surprise, especially at a time like this. They got to see the CNN/MSNBC non-sense up close.
Here is The Advocate's news story on the issue:
From Clancy Dubos of Gambit:
From Stephanie Grace of The Advocate:
And a good time was apparently had by all, including many young people from east Texas. You know - the spreaders who aren't showing symptoms but who are now beginning to infect the older population. The same holds true for Spring Breakers on South Padre Island, who were on the beach a full three weeks after Mardi Gras. Silly Texas.
Oh brother!!! These Dem. Governors and Mayors are always wanting to blame the Fed and Trump for things they could have done themselves. No wonder their voting base always does the same. No personal responsibility. Amazing!
The site finally caught up and shows the cases in Red River and Sabine parishes...old news. Which makes me question the overall numbers. I knew about those...but what about other parishes?
Positive testing rate down to 12.7% And in 59 of 64 parishes now.
Article on the 17 year old who died 'with' the coronavirus.
This is an interesting sentence. "Louisiana officials’ practice is to include anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 and died in their tally of deaths related to the coronavirus."
So, C-19 did not kill this kid. But his death is included in those deaths' numbers. Saw a doctor in Italy interviewed, he said no one knows how lethal C-19 really is because ALL deaths when the patient had the virus are automatically linked to it. People who have died had the virus, but it was NOT the virus that killed them. Early returns (sounds like an election) have been showing about 7X recoveries vs. deaths. For every 100 people who actually die from this virus, about 700 have had it and beat it. Only that rate is probably greater given there has been no effort to separate the deaths by actual cause of death.
Okay, this is good news, maybe C-19 is not quite as lethal as previously feared. But, that said, this is not a reason to become complacent. Until we truly know more about it, assume the worst.