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Putin talking smack! Sounds like one of dem ull dudes...talking a bunch of chit!
Vladimir Putin Warns Russia Will 'Knock Their Teeth Out' if Other Countries Hinder its Advancement (msn.com)
Sure has grown bold since we got a wet noodle in the White House.
Trump built 90% of the border wall. Why is Joe and the Hoe not finishing it? Could it be because Putin is paying him for letting him finish the pipeline? Biden and the Hoe do more for foreign countries than they do for our own citizens. It's difficult to believe that people voted for these two clowns.
With the new "Woke" army recruitment ads getting laughed at.. here is one from the "navy" that you can laugh at..
Big friggin deal. They can bomb in the direction of warships and even hit the target if they want. Well, we can blow up anything they have or strategically place a missile in their commanders left ear if we want.
Video of recent incident between a British destroyer and Russian coast guard frigates and jets in the Black Sea
At Sea: Footage of incident with British destroyer published by Russian FSB - YouTube
Russians claim more of the sea than is recognized by international treaties.
The little old UK has twice the GDP as Russia....and if WW2 is any example (assuming the woke idiots haven't completely taken over there, too), they also have the fortitude and resolve to kick the commie bastards butts on any battlefield except the frozen tundra in Russia. Russia is given WAY too much deference on the world stage.
Heck, Russia's GDP is only a little over two times our defense budget, which of course we have to do because the idiot Europeans continue to fund the Russians and then beg us to protect them. If they'd stop that foolishness, we could cozy up to India more and keep our eyes on the real global threat - China.
Germany has the fourth highest GDP on the globe, so they should protect themselves. Only problem with the Germans is that once they get started building their military, they go a bit too far!
White House has warned European allies to prepare for a Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Yamal-Europe is one of three major Russian pipelines into Europe and represents around 20 per cent of Russia's supplying capacity. Russia supplies around 50 per cent of the EU's natural gas imports. Unlike much of Europe, the UK is not reliant on Russia for its gas supply. Although Britain imports most of its gas, less than 5 per cent comes from Russia (which Gazprom delivers through the BBL Pipeline from the Netherlands, as shown on map). Most of the gas Britain imports comes from Norway.
Did you hear the new Currency Czar (nominee) who said that O&G companies, especially the smaller ones need to go bankrupt so we can save the planet?? She got her masters degree in Moscow.. If people in this admin are so against oil and gas.. then they need to immediately stop flying anywhere, driving anywhere, taking trains etc. stop using electricity, and walk to work..
They are actively engaged in class warfare against the American people..