It's back! Yes, I have cancer...again. Third time and once again, thankfully, it appears to be operable. Having surgery next Tuesday. Have beat it twice, don't know why cancer has come back just to get its ass kicked again. They did send off my blood to a lab, so I guess there's some chance of something more. And! did that stupid China Virus test too...a requirement before the hospital will admit you. That tickles my nose
I am so lucky...even the doctor yesterday marveled at it. Said, Mr. Dawg80, usually patients experience a spread of cancer with the first, but almost always their second bout with it, even when it's tumors that can be removed. I said to him, it's not luck, I am just that good! I can whip the Big C, baby! But, truthfully, I am lucky and am very appreciative it is operable. Gotta count your blessings!
I don't mean to make light of cancer, I know how deadly it is and how it has impacted so many people. My Mom died from cancer just a few years ago. It runs in our family. Which is why I refuse to feel sorry for myself...I am lucky and admit as much. I am also a fighter and I think maintaining a positive attitude, a willingness to fight, is good for you. Some folks give up and their ability to muster a defense against cancer or any ailment is compromised. Not me, I could be down 3 touchdowns in the 4th qtr and I would never give up. Fight to the end!
I post this mostly as a reminder to all of you reading this, whether it's you or a family member, cancer is losing more and more battles. Which means more folks are beating it! Hit it head on...fight in our awesome healthcare providers, the wonderful doctors and nurses...and Keep the Faith! HE's got this....