Tre Harris WR
Tyler Grubbs LB
Harlan Dixon RB
Omar Sims DL
Allen Walker LB
Kylen Villanueva LB
Khiry Morrison WR
Joseph Mason LB
Kershawn Fisher EDGE
Ivan Thomas TE
Christian Archangel S
Taz Marshall CB
Tre Harris WR
Tyler Grubbs LB
Harlan Dixon RB
Omar Sims DL
Allen Walker LB
Kylen Villanueva LB
Khiry Morrison WR
Joseph Mason LB
Kershawn Fisher EDGE
Ivan Thomas TE
Christian Archangel S
Taz Marshall CB
I look for Nussmeier to hit the portal. His showing in the SEC CG should get him some attention and NIL money. If he stays, he will sit next year and the have to beat out Howard after that.
I don’t even like college sports anymore. We developed a connection with players like Speedy, Kyser, Taylor Young, Hunter Well, Parker Bates, Matt Broha, the Graham brothers, and so many more from years past. We connected with the program because of a connection to people. I don’t really care much about a group of guys that won’t be here next year after I finally remember their names.
Question, if you don’t know who is on the team from year to year, can you be held responsible for failing to build a team?
I’ve been sick of this ridiculous game for years. This crap is not worth the time or the price of the greatly over priced tickets.
I don’t see how that ever works at Tech. Player has 1 good season and he is gone. Build an offense or a defense around 2-3 really good players and have all of them leave? That mentality works great if you are 3-4 deep at every position with draft picks. Next man up is easy when the players are 1 and 1a as far as ability. Look at lsu running back and qb situation this season.
I have moved on from most of the professional sports, just don't care anymore. Now college sports, which has become "professional-light," is quickly following the same path. Personally, I think college sports is on a path to suicide. Oh, because of the big buck$ it'll survive/thrive for a while, but eventually when that which made college sports so special no longer exists, it'll fade away.
Need to stop putting players' names on their jerseys, and who the hell needs a program? Why should fans give a damn what #52's name is? (or any number).