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Thread: I Remember When ............................

  1. #1
    2011 NFL Survivor Champion nadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond repute nadB's Avatar
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    I Remember When ............................

    I contributed every year to LTAC, bought FB season tickets, and attended all the home games.

  2. #2
    2011 NFL Survivor Champion nadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond repute nadB's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Tailgating was totally enjoyable, and was something I really looked forward to.

  3. #3
    Champ glm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond reputeglm47 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    When we were above all of the schools currently in the Sunbelt and CUSA. Maybe even some in AAC.

    In 25 yeas Reneau/Guice destroyed Tech’s athletic programs.

  4. #4
    Champ revf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond repute revf's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    This board had more than 10 people posting.

    My guess is that the other one is slowly dying too.

  5. #5
    2011 NFL Survivor Champion nadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond reputenadB has a reputation beyond repute nadB's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    I actually had some hope that we might move upward into a decent conference.

  6. #6
    Big Dog BCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to allBCSDAWG is a name known to all
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    I looked forward to each season. I knew we might not win the "big ones", but I knew we'd go down fighting. We fought to the end. We'd show up. We'd have other school supporters tell you as you left THEIR stadium, boy, that was a good game. Y'all have a great team. Y'all scared us. I wanted to win those games, but I was proud to be supporting LA Tech Bulldawgs. Now...I basically could care less...

    I want what we once had, but I'm afraid the train has left the station.

  7. #7
    Champ Cal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond repute Cal&Ken's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    I was proud of our team and expected to win every game.

  8. #8
    Champ SicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond reputeSicemDawgz has a reputation beyond repute SicemDawgz's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Quote Originally Posted by revf View Post
    This board had more than 10 people posting.

    My guess is that the other one is slowly dying too.
    It’s so sad to me. I can remember when I would log in multiple times a day to see what was happening. Now I can look about once a week and catch up in 5 minutes. I understand why it’s that way, but it’s still depressing.

  9. #9
    Champ eagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to beholdeagle2180 is a splendid one to behold
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    When we had some sunshine pumpers on the board.

  10. #10
    Champ Cal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond reputeCal&Ken has a reputation beyond repute Cal&Ken's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Quote Originally Posted by eagle2180 View Post
    When we had some sunshine pumpers on the board.
    We haven't gotten to a new low when they are gone!

  11. #11
    Varsity Bulldog thewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your timethewyldman Ultimate jerk and not worth your time
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Quote Originally Posted by eagle2180 View Post
    When we had some sunshine pumpers on the board.
    lol maybe y'all should've listened

  12. #12
    Champ Tech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant futureTech52 has a brilliant future Tech52's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    I would have favored keeping Skip and forcing him to make some changes.

    He obviously came out of the firing as the winner.

    And Joe Sloan is coaching one of the best QBs in the country at LSU.

    Kurt Hester is also enjoying himself at Tulane, I imagine.

  13. #13
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech52 View Post

    Kurt Hester is also enjoying himself at Tulane, I imagine.
    Never a big fan of his. Two things stood out to me. We had more than our share of injuries during his tenure along with poor tackling that seemed to be related lack of strength. Also, he seemed more worried about getting guys ready for the NFL (many who had not gotten their degree from Tech or flunked out) than getting his roster prepared for the next season. Plus he was quirky.

    As far as the remember when thing...it is DIRECTLY tied to our former AD when he changed tailgating rules (Guice rubber stamped it), but refused to listen to reason about what it was doing to our gameday experience. Before then, we still went to games when we were really bad.

  14. #14
    Champ revf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond reputerevf has a reputation beyond repute revf's Avatar
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    Never a big fan of his. Two things stood out to me. We had more than our share of injuries during his tenure along with poor tackling that seemed to be related lack of strength. Also, he seemed more worried about getting guys ready for the NFL (many who had not gotten their degree from Tech or flunked out) than getting his roster prepared for the next season. Plus he was quirky.

    As far as the remember when thing...it is DIRECTLY tied to our former AD when he changed tailgating rules (Guice rubber stamped it), but refused to listen to reason about what it was doing to our gameday experience. Before then, we still went to games when we were really bad.
    I think there is something to this. The last year I remember going to every home game with 6 season tickets was when tailgating was open and there was no dumb 8:30 AM rule. We drive from 2 hours away. Why should we have to sit there for 8 hours for a game?

    The last time I remember good student sections was when they would tailgate in hideaway park.

    My guess is both of these dumb decisions had more to do with the Ruston PD keystone cops who have yelled at my family on more than one occasion on a game day.

    Maybe if we had an AD that questioned some of these decisions and walked them back we would be able to eventually recover some semblance of a better experience.

  15. #15
    Puppy wetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your timewetdog22 Ultimate jerk and not worth your time
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    Re: I Remember When ............................

    This may be the same AD who said, when asked about allowing floor access after mens and womens basketball games, "we have to protect the student athletes due to the gambling problem in college athletics". Said there was the possibility of some "gamblers" giving a hassle to athletes who performed "too well" or didn't perform "well enough". The people who historically went to the floor following the games were LOYAL TECH FANS who wanted to shake hands, hug and thank the players for what they are doing for Our University. Said with his usual smile!!!

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