Ivey’s idiotic letter of wishy-washy jibberish told me all I need to know. Cumbie is going to be able ride out Jech’s nonsense athletic expectation BS just like Simoneaux did during all his failing years coaching baseball.
Ivey’s idiotic letter of wishy-washy jibberish told me all I need to know. Cumbie is going to be able ride out Jech’s nonsense athletic expectation BS just like Simoneaux did during all his failing years coaching baseball.
My message to AD Ivey is stop doing interviews about this because your not making it any better. When you have quotes like these
I think that’s where I would tell our fans, I understand your frustration. I get it. I see it. It’s warranted. No one is probably more frustrated than our coaches and our players about the results of this year because there are a lot of what-ifs and could-ifs and should-ifs. If you go back, there are probably four plays that if they go our way, we’re sitting here 8-4, 9-3, and we’re not having these conversations. But the reality of the situation is we’re not. We all understand that and see that. We’re not blind to that fact and we’ve got to make sure it gets better moving forward, or we will have to do something.
or this one
“I completely understand peoples’ frustration. I don’t blame them. I would be frustrated as well.
Side note when I read the 2nd quote I posted i shouted out loud WHY AREN'T YOU FRUSTRATED !!! lol
Ivey, “I completely understand peoples’ frustration. I don’t blame them. I would be frustrated as well.”
Talk about disconnection. I take it this means that Ivey doesn’t own this mess of a situation or that he’s ultimately responsible for fixing it. Jech fans if you didn’t already feel like we’re in deep bureaucratic nonsensical decision making BS then you should know it now. Clearly the best way to not be responsible for something is to disown it. That’s what all of this is. People who aren’t man enough to own their responsibilities.
We make the common-sense everyday decisions of running an athletic department hard on ourselves. Just look at all the teams we were equal to or better than in the conferences we were in over the last 20+ years, to see how many of them have moved on to higher conferences, more stable situations, and how utterly absent we were from any of those conversations and options. Yes, the shifting landscape has changed conferences, but the spaces were there, and no one seriously considered us. We have proven time and time again to Jech it up and shoot ourselves in the foot. I would love say man we were screwed by our evil conference rivals etc. but nope it's because of poor leadership and vision on almost every level.
I have friends in the AD but enough is enough, and it has been for a while.
Let's look back at our conference mates 20 years ago:
Boise State - MWC headed to the new PAC12
UTEP - CUSA headed to MWC
Fresno State - MWC headed to the new PAC12
Hawaii - MWC
Nevada - MWC
Tulsa - AAC
Rice - AAC
San Jose State - MWC
10 years ago:
Marshall - Sun Belt
UAB - AAC (after not even playing football 2015-16)
Old Dominion - Sun Belt
Rice - AAC
UTEP - CUSA headed to MWC
North Texas - AAC
Southern Miss - Sun Belt
We absolutely s**t the bed.
Go back to 1998, we and UCF were sitting together in the same boat. Oh yes, it's true. Both independents searching for a home. The Belt courted us both. The AD/President of UCF publicly stated they had very little interest in joining the Belt, and said, "we certainly won't unless Louisiana Tech joins the Belt too." Since then they have "won a national championship in football" , and are a member of the Big 12. They're doing well...Tech is still drifting in that same boat, only it has sprung a leak now.
Sprung a leak is an understatement. The bottom of the boat are the backs of sharks who are waiting to devour us if we slip off out tip toes. Jech is essentially dead meat. It’s just a matter of time. Nobody is even bailing water.
The population of Orlando in 1998 was about 190K, it's about 325K today. That is about the same size, and smaller, than home towns for several MAC schools. Tulane is in New Orleans, population close to 400K. And there are other, plenty of other, schools playing football in similar-sized cities as Orlando. If your contention is the reason UCF has made it, why haven't ALL those other schools? Don't they know they all should be in the Big 12 since they have matched the ONE factor favoring UCF?
UCF swelled its student population by offering degrees quickly. They also added huge athletics fees to that said student population allowing them to spend tons of money in football almost exclusively. Couple this with pushing students into student loans to pay for it all.
Liberty is pretty much following the same game plan….a million online degrees, heavy marketing, high athletics fees, and student loans to cover the cost. Yes Liberty’s football program is built on a throne of lies propped up by student loans. Facts most people don’t want to hear.
Tech has managed to build outside of student fees for the most part.