I am glad to announce a newly added feature here on Bulldog Barks & Bytes. We now have an integrated photo gallery where you can upload pictures which you may have taken at some of our very own Tech sporting events. But we are not going to limit the pictures to just Tech related. If you have pics from personal hobbies, new additions to the family, or just something you want to share with the rest of us, feel free to upload it.

At least for now, every registered user has the permissions to upload files to the gallery. Acceptable formats include GIF, JPG, and PNG. Your pics will be resized to fit the thumbnails and views. We do ask to you only upload appropriate content. No porn, no nudity, no profanity, etc. If you really want to upload some of it, put it in the Best Thread, not in the Photo Gallery! If we find this is being abused, we WILL cut back on the access and upload permissions!

In addition to being able to upload and view files, you can also search the pictures, comment on other peoples pictures, and look at all pics from a particular user.

I've started the galleries with some basic folders. If we find we need more, we can certainly add them. Just let us know.

For now, I've got the following limits on file sizes and number of pics. If this becomes overly popular, our web host may end up having to reign some of these in, but for now, this is where we'll start.

Registered Users - 500K file size MAX and up to 100 files/user
Inside Dawgs - 750K file size MAX and up to 150 files/user

While I am still working on another feature to be added to the site, this is something I've wanted to have for quite a while now. I'd really like to see y'all use it and to have you comments as well.

To get to the photo gallery, just click the link like you would to get to any other forum. It is located right below the sports forums.

Thanks again for your support.

Let me know if you have any questions.
