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Thread: Introductions

  1. #16
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Shreveport, LA

    Re: Introductions

    Hey guys/girls,

    My name is Stephen Cooper and I am a 5th year CIS major. Ive been in the Band of Pride for 4 years. Been on the drumline all 4 of those. Drum Captain last year and this upcoming year. Im also in the hoop troop playing the bass drum. Im extremely psyched to be at the Sept. 1 game, as well as all others.

    Go Dawgs!
    Last edited by ITdrummer; 08-07-2007 at 11:50 AM.

  2. #17
    Champ AG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the roughAG_jr is a jewel in the rough AG_jr's Avatar
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    Bossier City

    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by AG_jr View Post
    Hi, i'm Chris Gunter, a.k.a. Crazy Jason. I'm a second year architecture major, and am 110% bulldog! The thing i enjoy most about tech is going to any and every athletic event i can. I was sold on Tech after my first football game at the Joe, when i was about 11. My dad graduated in Mech. Engineering and frequently visits to speak with senior engineering students. I have my younger brother and a friend of mine (hs senior)convinced to go here and have successfully gotten two of my friends to transfer from NSU to become DAWGS!!! Basically to sum me up...I love tech, always have, and most CERTAINLY always will!
    EDIT: I am passing down to role of Crazy Jason, and assuming the role of Abominable Gorilla Jr. I have also switched from architecture to Business. Everything else still applies and THEN some!!!

  3. #18
    Bulldog MattEE has turned a few heads around hereMattEE has turned a few heads around hereMattEE has turned a few heads around hereMattEE has turned a few heads around hereMattEE has turned a few heads around here MattEE's Avatar
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    North Little Rock, AR

    Re: Introductions

    Name here is Matthew Bellott. I am an Electrical Engineer class of 2005. Currently reside in North Little Rock, Ar. Married with two great step kids. Love football, and can't wait for basketball to start.

  4. #19
    Puppy TechCobb800meters is an unknown TechCobb800meters's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Hey yall! My name is Jeremy Cobb, but known as Cobbeaux or Jerome around main and south campuses. I am a 5th year Sr. History major graduating in Spr. of 08'. I live in Shrevport (originally from Lafayette) and am married to the former Rachel Shaifer (Tech 07'). While at Tech I was on the Tech track team from 03-06, was All-WAC at the indoor championships in the Feb. of 04'. I'm also in Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.

  5. #20
    Champ Dirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond repute Dirtydawg's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by TechCobb800meters View Post
    Hey yall! My name is Jeremy Cobb, but known as Cobbeaux or Jerome around main and south campuses. I am a 5th year Sr. History major graduating in Spr. of 08'. I live in Shrevport (originally from Lafayette) and am married to the former Rachel Shaifer (Tech 07'). While at Tech I was on the Tech track team from 03-06, was All-WAC at the indoor championships in the Feb. of 04'. I'm also in Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.
    Welcome, Jeremy. Thanks to you and the Track teams for giving us something respectable during that time period.

  6. #21
    Varsity Bulldog OSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her gameOSL2008 is on top of his/her game
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    Washington D.C.

    Re: Introductions

    I've been lurking for awhile and decided to finally register!

    I'm an Orientation Student Leader this year at Tech. I'm excited about this summer! I'm a junior in the College of Liberal Arts.

    See ya around the boards

  7. #22
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Dallas, Texas

    Re: Introductions

    you will be originating by son....... good luck.

  8. #23
    Administrator DocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond repute DocMarvin362's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by olddog75 View Post
    you will be originating by son....... good luck.
    I think that you already took care of the originating part about 18-19 years ago.

  9. #24
    Varsity Bulldog jojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her gamejojobeans120 is on top of his/her game
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Introductions

    I just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone. I'm a recent transplant from Hattiesburg, MS. I moved here to be closer to my mother, and other family members. It has been a big adjustment going from a city type lifestyle to the whole "green acres" theme that Simsboro has to offer. I'm very happy that I FINALLY found a local forum that is ACTIVE!!!
    I'm a psych major and will be picking up this fall at Tech. I look forward to getting to know everyone better and learning more about the area and people!

  10. #25
    Champ JAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond repute JAB's Avatar
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    Bossier City

    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by jojobeans120 View Post
    I'm very happy that I FINALLY found a local forum that is ACTIVE!!!

    Just curious, how did you find/hear about BB&B?

  11. #26
    Puppy bestgraf_art is an unknown
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Introductions

    new to this and so far like it. its a cool place to just have good ol' chats. lets see whats in store.

  12. #27
    Champ DogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond repute DogtorEvil's Avatar
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    EPIC-ville, Tejas

    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by bestgraf_art View Post
    new to this and so far like it. its a cool place to just have good ol' chats. lets see whats in store.
    welcome bga. This is the place to get your Tech fix. Most people on the board are very nice (but there are a few of us who aren't). Just jump in and get in the middle of it.

  13. #28
    Puppy T0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the ears
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Introductions

    Hello Ladies and Gents.

    My name is Timothy Moore and I am a incoming freshman and a Computer Science major. Just wanted to say I look forward to spending the next few years of my life with you guys and I hope that we become friends.

    Hope To see ya soon!

  14. #29
    Champ LookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond reputeLookingForResults has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by T0n1c The Bulld0g View Post
    Hello Ladies and Gents.

    My name is Timothy Moore and I am a incoming freshman and a Computer Science major. Just wanted to say I look forward to spending the next few years of my life with you guys and I hope that we become friends.

    Hope To see ya soon!
    Welcome aboard TM. I trust you'll make as many great memories as I did when I was at Tech. These may just be the four most fun years of your life!

  15. #30
    Puppy T0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the ears
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Introductions

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I reallly needed that. To tell ya the truth I was a bit nervous when i first post in this forum lol. i thought it would be like * SHUT UP YA FRESHMAN!!!* but i guess high school does tht to ya.

    Again thx for the welcome.

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