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Thread: Introductions

  1. #31
    Champ CARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond reputeCARTEK has a reputation beyond repute CARTEK's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    4 years? You needed tutoring in Coed Procrastination!
    I'm an asshole! What's your excuse?

  2. #32
    Champ DogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond reputeDogtorEvil has a reputation beyond repute DogtorEvil's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by T0n1c The Bulld0g View Post
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I reallly needed that. To tell ya the truth I was a bit nervous when i first post in this forum lol. i thought it would be like * SHUT UP YA FRESHMAN!!!* but i guess high school does tht to ya.

    Again thx for the welcome.


    Welcome to BB&B.
    Originally Posted by champion110
    I am less angry this morning and ready to get back up on the horse. That girl was a freak last night.

    Originally Posted by champion110
    In fact, I finally had to tell her to stop over the last weekend, because I was worn out and needed a break.

  3. #33
    Champ rabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Introductions

    T0n1c The Bulld0g, welcome to the Tech Family and to bbb! The friends and memories you make in college will be with you forever; I just spent the weekend camping and boating with two college buddies and their families.

  4. #34
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by T0n1c The Bulld0g View Post
    Hello Ladies and Gents.

    My name is Timothy Moore and I am a incoming freshman and a Computer Science major. Just wanted to say I look forward to spending the next few years of my life with you guys and I hope that we become friends.

    Hope To see ya soon!
    You starting right off with CS100 and Math240 in the fall? If so, take that stuff seriously. The Calculus classes are pretty hard.

    And, this is three years down the road, but good luck in Math 310. You'll need it.

  5. #35
    Champ FishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond repute FishingBack's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Welcome to the board! There is a LOT of opportunity to have fun. Keeping on those books is hard to do sometimes....but ya gotta do it.

    Be sure to make every home football game, none of that "but I go home on the weekends" crap! If you MUST see your momma....tell her to come to the game

  6. #36
    Puppy T0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the earsT0n1c The Bulld0g seems to have something between the ears
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire View Post
    You starting right off with CS100 and Math240 in the fall? If so, take that stuff seriously. The Calculus classes are pretty hard.

    And, this is three years down the road, but good luck in Math 310. You'll need it.

    Im actually debating between Computer Info. Systems and Computer Science so If you could give me some advice it would be deeply appreciated!

  7. #37
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by T0n1c The Bulld0g View Post
    Im actually debating between Computer Info. Systems and Computer Science so If you could give me some advice it would be deeply appreciated!
    Sure! No problem. Always glad to help out.

    These two majors are VERY different. I guess the best place to start is to ask: what are you looking to do, really? I came into college with "hey, I want to make videogames!" ambitions and chose CS.

    CS is based around programming. By the time you graduate you'll probably have a firm grasp on Java (you start here), C/C++, and a scripting language of some kind (I learned PHP). CIS is based around Information Systems (SOME programming -- COBOL is what they used to teach, database work, business classes, etc). Basically, CS prepares for working in a development house (or at a laboratory), while CIS prepares you for working in IT.

    CS is universally considered harder due to the math. CS also requires you to obtain a minor, so a lot of guys go ahead and get their minor in business to help bridge the gap that's created by having CS and CIS as two separate majors. I did this.

    Duckbillplatty is another CS guy, so maybe he can chime in. I think QNG graduated in CIS, so he could get you some info there. And I want to say my boy JFord did as well, but I could be wrong.

    At any rate, I ended up NOT making videogames and am back in school getting my doctorate en route to working for the government (...probably), so your mileage may vary The best thing to do would be to head to Ruston sometime this Summer and speak with people in the departments. If you're interested, I could point you towards some quality folks in CS you could talk to.

    EDITED TO ADD: And its totally cool if you don't have a damn clue what any of these acronyms or programming languages are. I didn't either. You don't have to be a huge programming nerd coming into college to succeed. But a love of computers is a big plus.

  8. #38
    Champ louisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the roughlouisiana_dog is a jewel in the rough
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    Re: Introductions

    I agree, go to at least the football and home basketball games. Tailgating with college friends=fun. Especially when we have those beautifully October games where it is 70 all day and blue skies.....man I can't wait. Stand in the student section and yell as well, you are in for a treat with Dooley running things now and our program is only getting better.

    Take your classes seriously, but most of all, have fun and go out and meet people.

  9. #39
    Champ Ktulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire View Post
    Sure! No problem. Always glad to help out.

    These two majors are VERY different. I guess the best place to start is to ask: what are you looking to do, really? I came into college with "hey, I want to make videogames!" ambitions and chose CS.

    CS is based around programming. By the time you graduate you'll probably have a firm grasp on Java (you start here), C/C++, and a scripting language of some kind (I learned PHP). CIS is based around Information Systems (SOME programming -- COBOL is what they used to teach, database work, business classes, etc). Basically, CS prepares for working in a development house (or at a laboratory), while CIS prepares you for working in IT.

    CS is universally considered harder due to the math. CS also requires you to obtain a minor, so a lot of guys go ahead and get their minor in business to help bridge the gap that's created by having CS and CIS as two separate majors. I did this.

    Duckbillplatty is another CS guy, so maybe he can chime in. I think QNG graduated in CIS, so he could get you some info there. And I want to say my boy JFord did as well, but I could be wrong.

    At any rate, I ended up NOT making videogames and am back in school getting my doctorate en route to working for the government (...probably), so your mileage may vary The best thing to do would be to head to Ruston sometime this Summer and speak with people in the departments. If you're interested, I could point you towards some quality folks in CS you could talk to.

    EDITED TO ADD: And its totally cool if you don't have a damn clue what any of these acronyms or programming languages are. I didn't either. You don't have to be a huge programming nerd coming into college to succeed. But a love of computers is a big plus.
    Lum, I took some CS with you back in the day too. Do you remember Dr. Box's network mapping project in like... maybe CS 200 or something? I forget the numbering scheme now for those courses, but I believe you were in that class with me. The one series of classes I'll never forget at Tech though would be the evil Math 240 series. That was some serious stuff, and God help anyone that is stuck with Schroeder as their professor in it. hahaha

  10. #40
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ktulu7 View Post
    Lum, I took some CS with you back in the day too. Do you remember Dr. Box's network mapping project in like... maybe CS 200 or something? I forget the numbering scheme now for those courses, but I believe you were in that class with me. The one series of classes I'll never forget at Tech though would be the evil Math 240 series. That was some serious stuff, and God help anyone that is stuck with Schroeder as their professor in it. hahaha
    8 AM. First day of college. Math 240 with Dr. Shroeder.


  11. #41
    Big Dog Yarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the roughYarfunkle is a jewel in the rough
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    Re: Introductions

    Luminaire is right. I'm a CIS student that works with a lot of CS graduates at my job. The CS grads here see CIS as below them.

    I had to switch from CS to CIS because of the math, but by no means is it 'below' CS. It's simply different.

  12. #42
    Champ Ktulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond reputeKtulu7 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Introductions

    Awww shut it, ya freakin' newb CIS loser... CS is SUPERIOR!!! hahaha just kidding, but I had to say that there

    The difference to me would be that CS is more "scientific" and works with theories and whatnot, while CIS will give you a lot more current industry tools to get you rolling on a job. A lot of people I know took courses from both, because there seem to be a lot of things in the IT world that CIS courses will teach you mostly how to do, from the start. CS will talk more about the math and base science underlying it, and you'll have to be a little more self-taught for it. A balance of both is good for success in the industry.

  13. #43
    Dawg Adamant Argument Czar Guisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond repute Guisslapp's Avatar
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    In your mind and under your skin

    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ktulu7 View Post
    Lum, I took some CS with you back in the day too. Do you remember Dr. Box's network mapping project in like... maybe CS 200 or something? I forget the numbering scheme now for those courses, but I believe you were in that class with me. The one series of classes I'll never forget at Tech though would be the evil Math 240 series. That was some serious stuff, and God help anyone that is stuck with Schroeder as their professor in it. hahaha
    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire View Post
    8 AM. First day of college. Math 240 with Dr. Shroeder.

    Dr. Schroeder was a great calculus teacher. Did he ever kick the top door frame while standing in the door for your class? I also enjoyed Dr. Carpenter's class.
    Jordan Mills on choosing Tech:
    “It’s a great experience seeing them play. It was a good atmosphere. The fans stood up the whole game and never sat down. They have a great fan base.”

  14. #44
    2003 BB&B Basketball Pick 'Em Champion inudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond repute inudesu's Avatar
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Guisslapp View Post
    I also enjoyed Dr. Carpenter's class.
    Not me. I think she's probably a good teacher (I knew a lot of people that liked her class) and a good person, but her style was not for me. I was probably too calculator dependent.

    That and I was a sorry, lazy bum when it came to homework back then. Come to think of it, that trait didn't really help me much at all in my undergrad years. . .

  15. #45
    Champ odysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the roughodysseus is a jewel in the rough
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    Re: Introductions

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire View Post
    8 AM. First day of college. Math 240 with Dr. Shroeder.


    Ouch. I never had Dr Shroeder, but I definitely made it a point to avoid him. My personal favorite Math professors were Dr Meng and Dr Evans.

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