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Thread: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

  1. #226
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Exes&Ohs View Post
    Lets be very, very careful to avoid any criticism or any adverse comments regarding the Foundation. Without them there would probably be no new press box or suites. You must remember that they loaned the athletic dept the $11mil needed to build the press box and suites. The athletic dept is obligated to repay that but there is no timeline or set amount due at any time thus it will be repaid if and when the athletic dept has the money. Only problem with this is the note is interest bearing at 5% and interest added to principal, if no payments are made, could balloon into an unimaginable amount over time.
    There are 24+ suites that have been leased with the annual proceeds, I am sure, used to retire the debt.

  2. #227
    Varsity Bulldog Exes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really nice
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by olddog75 View Post
    There are 24+ suites that have been leased with the annual proceeds, I am sure, used to retire the debt.
    I havent been up there but the published info indicates 13 for lease. The other space is for athletic directors, & visiting big wigs, media space, etc not a revenue stream.

  3. #228
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Exes&Ohs View Post
    I haven't been up there but the published info indicates 13 for lease. The other space is for athletic directors, & visiting big wigs, media space, etc not a revenue stream.
    Yep, you are right, my bad. The financial structure is for the lease income to be used to retire the debt. Oh for the day when I win a big lottery so that the annual lease income can be used to operate the athletic department and not may back debt. If memory serves, that is how our big TV in the north end zone was purchased.

  4. #229
    Varsity Bulldog Exes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really nice
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by olddog75 View Post
    Yep, you are right, my bad. The financial structure is for the lease income to be used to retire the debt. Oh for the day when I win a big lottery so that the annual lease income can be used to operate the athletic department and not may back debt. If memory serves, that is how our big TV in the north end zone was purchased.
    The Foundation borrowed $2,050,000 to pay for the big TV and still owes the bank, as of July 2017, a total of $974,911 , still a long way to go. I want to win the super mega huge lottery so I can pay off all our debts and give away free tickets to all events for the next 100yrs.

  5. #230
    Super Moderator Tech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond repute Tech77's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Best of luck. I hope you win!
    Quote Originally Posted by Exes&Ohs View Post
    The Foundation borrowed $2,050,000 to pay for the big TV and still owes the bank, as of July 2017, a total of $974,911 , still a long way to go. I want to win the super mega huge lottery so I can pay off all our debts and give away free tickets to all events for the next 100yrs.

  6. #231
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Exes&Ohs View Post
    The Foundation borrowed $2,050,000 to pay for the big TV and still owes the bank, as of July 2017, a total of $974,911 , still a long way to go. I want to win the super mega huge lottery so I can pay off all our debts and give away free tickets to all events for the next 100yrs.
    Thanks. Why would the foundation borrow money?

  7. #232
    Varsity Bulldog Exes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really niceExes&Ohs is just really nice
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by olddog75 View Post
    Thanks. Why would the foundation borrow money?
    Don’t know. Probably not enough unrestricted funds on hand at the time. This loan was arranged back in 2009. They still owe hundreds of thousands on the basketball video board too. We need to recognize that the foundation has deep roots in our athletic dept so treat them with respect.

  8. #233
    Varsity Bulldog dadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the roughdadawgula is a jewel in the rough
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Exes&Ohs View Post
    Don’t know. Probably not enough unrestricted funds on hand at the time. This loan was arranged back in 2009. They still owe hundreds of thousands on the basketball video board too. We need to recognize that the foundation has deep roots in our athletic dept so treat them with respect.
    I am not sure why you keep mentioning that we do not need to disrespect the Tech Foundation. I have deep respect for the Tech Foundation and what they do for Tech. I want to support Justin's athletic foundation but the people in the athletic department, whether they under the Tech Foundation or not, are making it difficult on their football donors with respect to parking. I have to wonder what other restrictions one can put on their LTAC donation but not get credit toward the benefits. I think it is very intentional with their desire to raise additional funds but I do not have to agree with what they are doing.

    As to video board, I would hope that the ads would help pay for it. The new press box note should be serviced by the rentals and it should be paid off in a few years. I have the feeling that many of the funds are not making it from the athletic department to the Tech Foundation because we do not have the money we need to fully support our athletic teams.

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  9. #234
    Hunter Lee's Hero HogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond repute HogDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech78 View Post
    The balance is approximately $110,000. I just received notification that the payout this year (2017-2018) is $4,250.

    I currently plan on holding this amount to combine with next year's payout to see if it could meet a larger need, assuming something is identified.

    Donations received by end of August 2017 will be used in next year's payout calculation - write those checks now and note they are for the Athletics Enhancement Endowment. Thanks to everyone for contributing to the long-term support of Tech Athletics.

    The payout history for the endowment:

    2008-2009 -- $ 981 for Athletics ticketing system
    2009-2010 -- $ 683 for Athletics facilities landscaping improvements
    2010-2011 -- $1,111 for Tech logos at JAS
    2011-2012 -- $1,871 for equipment updates for sports medicine / trainers
    2012-2013 -- $2,165 lights for soccer field
    2013-2014 -- $2,473 athletic's scholarship fund
    2014-2015 -- $3,310 Sport and Movement Laboratory
    2015-2016 -- $3,706 Sport and Movement Laboratory
    2016-2017 -- $4,026 Soccer / Tennis Locker Room Renovation
    2017-2018 -- $4,250 Holding until next year

    Total to date $24,576 paid out.
    Hey T78....can we get a balance update on this?

  10. #235
    Moderator & 2008 NFL Survivor Contest Champion sportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond reputesportdawg has a reputation beyond repute sportdawg's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by HogDawg View Post
    Hey T78....can we get a balance update on this?
    He hasn't logged on since November 2017.

  11. #236
    Hunter Lee's Hero HogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond reputeHogDawg has a reputation beyond repute HogDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by GermDawg View Post
    If we can continue the payout growth trend could be a up to 10k by 2020,

    Attachment 10587
    Attachment 10588
    It would be nice fact to know since it's now 2020.

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