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Thread: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

  1. #16
    Champ Brian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond repute Brian96's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    That's a start!

  2. #17
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Tech78 - Thats great. The signs are looking good for a new day at Tech.

  3. #18
    Champ TECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to all TECHLAX's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech78 View Post
    As I promised when the Athletics Enhancement Endowment was created in January, I would post a quarterly update. As of 3/31/2007 the balance is $ 21,700. A total of 3 people have contributed.

    Thanks to the other two contributors and I encourage others to support Tech when and how they can.
    remind us how we can give to the Endowment.

  4. #19
    Champ Brian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond repute Brian96's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by TECHLAX View Post
    remind us how we can give to the Endowment.
    See post #14 in this thread. Essentially you just designate a gift to the Foundation, which you can do online with your credit card.

  5. #20
    Champ TECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to allTECHLAX is a name known to all TECHLAX's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    sorry...i forgot to open my eyes

  6. #21
    Champ JAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond reputeJAB has a reputation beyond repute JAB's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Will the admins sticky this thread?

  7. #22
    Champ markay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant future markay714's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    I thought I'd sent another donation to the athletic enhancement endowment and accidentally didn't designate it except for athletics. It went to CHAMPS, so be sure you designate carefully!

  8. #23
    Champ Tech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to behold Tech78's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    2nd Quarter 2007 Update on the Athletics Enhancement Endowment:

    As of 3/31/2007 the balance is $ 20,700. A total of 3 people have contributed.
    As of 6/28/2007 the balance is $ 21,200. A total of 3 people have contributed.

    Thanks to the other two contributors and I encourage others to support Tech when and how they can.
    Last edited by Tech78; 10-05-2007 at 08:29 AM. Reason: Correct the amount

  9. #24
    Varsity Bulldog techdrummer has turned a few heads around heretechdrummer has turned a few heads around heretechdrummer has turned a few heads around heretechdrummer has turned a few heads around here
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Just mailed in my donation to the Endowment. This is truly a great way to support our school for the long term.

    GO DAWGS!!

  10. #25
    Super Moderator Tech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond repute Tech77's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    Will the admins sticky this thread?
    You got it.

  11. #26
    Champ Tech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to behold Tech78's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    I am going to experiment with selling Tech blankets at the Cenla Champs tent in tailgate alley with the proceeds going to the endowment. My niece is donating her labor and the blankets look great. I took pictures but they were too large to upload (I'll check into getting lower res pictures).

    Any predictions on how good blankets will sell with game temperature on 9/1 in the upper 80's?

  12. #27
    Champ olddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond reputeolddog75 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    I can guarantee you will sell at least one. Where is your tent?

  13. #28
    Champ Tech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to beholdTech78 is a splendid one to behold Tech78's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by olddog75 View Post
    I can guarantee you will sell at least one. Where is your tent?
    I like a man who is going to buy without knowing the price. The Cenla Champs tent is located on the north end of tailgate alley, across from the Alumni tent. It is white with the state and T on the top and "Cenla Champs" banners on the side. A sample blanket will be flapping in the breeze (we can hope) so the tent should look like a road-side shop - we may add pictures of Champ, Dooley, etc. on black velvet ....

    Prices will be $55 for a double sided and $30 for a single sided. I'll take orders if we sale out and they can easily be shipped or picked up at the next home game.

  14. #29
    Administrator DocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond repute DocMarvin362's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    I'll definantly purchase one.

  15. #30
    Champ GermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGermDawg has a reputation beyond repute GermDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Athletic Enhancement Endowment

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech78 View Post
    I like a man who is going to buy without knowing the price. The Cenla Champs tent is located on the north end of tailgate alley, across from the Alumni tent. It is white with the state and T on the top and "Cenla Champs" banners on the side. A sample blanket will be flapping in the breeze (we can hope) so the tent should look like a road-side shop - we may add pictures of Champ, Dooley, etc. on black velvet ....

    Prices will be $55 for a double sided and $30 for a single sided. I'll take orders if we sale out and they can easily be shipped or picked up at the next home game.

    Make sure you mark it on the map we're trying to get setup for tailgating.


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