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Thread: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

  1. #1
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Here's a completely random thread for any completely random thought that may come to mind. These are pretty popular around the Internet.

    I'll start this off with an astute observation on the fact that I am, in fact, getting old:

    I just literally told a bunch of kids to get off my lawn! Unfortunately, I didn't shake the fist, but I SHOULD have.

  2. #2
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Oh, and Red Diamond makes a Sugar/Calorie Free Sweet Tea now, and it's INCREDIBLE.

    It's God's gift to Southern dieters, I'm pretty sure.

  3. #3
    Champ duckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond reputeduckbillplatty has a reputation beyond repute duckbillplatty's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I'm in Minneapolis. The food sucks here. The only local cuisine is cheese curds.

  4. #4
    Big Dog LTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the rough LTUIronDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire View Post
    Oh, and Red Diamond makes a Sugar/Calorie Free Sweet Tea now, and it's INCREDIBLE.

    It's God's gift to Southern dieters, I'm pretty sure.
    That stuff is pretty good. I don't make tea anymore. I just pick up a jug of the Diamond tea.

  5. #5
    Champ splicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of light
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I'm feeling old too, 25 and just bought a house, adopting kids, and getting an insurance policy, just in case, because the wife is quitting work for the kids. Ohh...and I've yelled at the kids in the neighborhood too.

  6. #6
    Champ RhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond repute RhythmDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I have a question...

    My 3 yr old daughter has recently brought to my attention the world of Barbie. If Barbie is so popular, why do i have to buy her friends?

  7. #7
    Big Dog Rickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really niceRickeydad is just really nice
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Rus-La should end all of his/her posts with "From Rus-La with Love".

  8. #8
    Bulldog RockNRoll Warrior has turned a few heads around hereRockNRoll Warrior has turned a few heads around hereRockNRoll Warrior has turned a few heads around here RockNRoll Warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RhythmDawg View Post
    My 3 yr old daughter has recently brought to my attention the world of Barbie. If Barbie is so popular, why do i have to buy her friends?
    Um, do we really need to tell you why Barbie needs to have her girlfriends? It is so that Dad can play with them after the kid goes to sleep. Do I have to draw a picture?

  9. #9
    Champ Abominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond reputeAbominable Gorilla has a reputation beyond repute Abominable Gorilla's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Every morning since graduation I wake up and say, "Holy heck, I think I've turned into an adult!" Strange things are going on in my brain. It feels like I'm missing my position of "gorilla," yet social norms won't let me wear the suit to work. I feel responsibility in the form of insurance and electric bills and stuff creeping up on me like a predator. While I know I'll make it (this is why I went to Tech in the first place), I guess nerves are natural.

    And I miss Tech already.

  10. #10
    Champ champion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Abominable Gorilla View Post
    Every morning since graduation I wake up and say, "Holy heck, I think I've turned into an adult!" Strange things are going on in my brain. It feels like I'm missing my position of "gorilla," yet social norms won't let me wear the suit to work. I feel responsibility in the form of insurance and electric bills and stuff creeping up on me like a predator. While I know I'll make it (this is why I went to Tech in the first place), I guess nerves are natural.

    And I miss Tech already.
    What you describe doesn't change after 40 either. You still feel like college was yesterday. The only difference is that college kids look like they are 10 years old.

  11. #11
    Champ StrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond repute StrayDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by champion110 View Post
    What you describe doesn't change after 40 either. You still feel like college was yesterday. The only difference is that college kids look like they are 10 years old.
    ...and they call you "sir".

    A good friend of mine out here has a 3 year old daughter. The other day she and I were joking around with each other and I told her she was crazy. She, not understanding that I was joking, said, "I'm not crazy, old man!" Her mom scholded her for not "respecting her elders", but I could not help laughing.

    I'm officially an old man at age 34.

  12. #12
    Champ marketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond repute marketdawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I recently went to a friends house for a crawfish boil/graduation party. There was one of those big blow-up jumpy things for the kids. I got in it with two of my buddies and we had a wrestling match that would have made JYD proud. (There was lots of beer there as well). The wife of my buddy who was having the party yelled at us and told us to get out of the jumpy-thing. Im physically 35 years old but I will never be completely "grown-up".
    “Towie Barclay of the Glen, Happy to the maids, But never to the men.”

  13. #13
    Champ LEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud ofLEEDAWG has much to be proud of LEEDAWG's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I realized my body-fat index directly increases with my age. So now that I am 36, I must have 36% body-fat. YIKES. I feel like crap!

  14. #14
    Champ RhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond repute RhythmDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RockNRoll Warrior View Post
    Um, do we really need to tell you why Barbie needs to have her girlfriends? It is so that Dad can play with them after the kid goes to sleep. Do I have to draw a picture?
    Um...yeah. that was a joke...you know...popular...have to buy friends...nevermind.

  15. #15
    Champ RhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond reputeRhythmDawg has a reputation beyond repute RhythmDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Hey, we did surgery this morning on a guy that had a 3 in. knife blade stuck in the side of his head...all the way to the handle. He's alive...so far.

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