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Thread: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

  1. #16
    Champ rabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond reputerabiddawg has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RhythmDawg View Post
    Hey, we did surgery this morning on a guy that had a 3 in. knife blade stuck in the side of his head...all the way to the handle. He's alive...so far.

    Did a marble fall out?

  2. #17
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I wouldn't watch another Spurs/Pistons NBA Finals series, because it would seriously suck ass.

  3. #18
    Champ WWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond reputeWWDog has a reputation beyond repute WWDog's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    More appropriate for the Joke thread, but I can't resist this one sent to me. Now this is old.

    An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, "Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great I would recommend it very highly."

    The other man said, "What is the name of the restaurant?"
    The first man thought and thought and finally said, "What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... the one that's red and has thorns."

    "Do you mean a rose?"
    "Yes, that's the one," replied the man.
    He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, "Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?
    La Tech
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  4. #19
    Champ Brian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond repute Brian96's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RhythmDawg View Post
    I have a question...

    My 3 yr old daughter has recently brought to my attention the world of Barbie. If Barbie is so popular, why do i have to buy her friends?
    My 3 yr old son told me today "I want to be just like you when I grow up." I didn't know kids actually said that.

    For the record, I told him "That's a really nice thing to say, but I hope you'll be better than me."


  5. #20
    Progressive King of 2011 Dawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond repute Dawgpix's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by marketdawg View Post
    (There was lots of beer there as well). The wife of my buddy who was having the party yelled at us and told us to get out of the jumpy-thing. Im physically 35 years old but I will never be completely "grown-up".
    beer and no jumpy-thing. What kind of party was she expecting????
    PS--You never get too old to have fun! (just too out of shape)
    Louisiana Tech University
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  6. #21
    Administrator Dwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond repute Dwayne From Minden's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawgpix View Post
    PS--You never get too old to have fun! (just too out of shape)
    Several years ago - my parents were extending their driveway - and of course it was on a clay hill and the contractors had not laid the wire in for the concrete yet -

    It was mid August and an afternoon thunderstorm came up and dropped a quick half inch shower that turned the new drive way into a 12ft by 30ft "slick" mud puddle -

    Will the neighborhood kids (about 8 of them) were all standing their eyeing the fabulous thing that just had been created right before thier eyes - take in mind all of them were right about 7 to 12 years old - four of them belonging to the State Trooper next door -

    Now I'm about 33 at the time - so what do I do - kick of the tennis shoes and take a running start and do a belly slide for about 25 ft - next thing I know every kid in the neighborhood is in the middle of the SLIDE doing the exact same thing -

    Not a word was spoken - all it took was a spark and a soul brave enough to make the first leap -
    ''Don't be a bad dagh..."

  7. #22
    Champ Brian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond repute Brian96's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwayne From Minden View Post
    Several years ago - my parents were extending their driveway - and of course it was on a clay hill and the contractors had not laid the wire in for the concrete yet -

    It was mid August and an afternoon thunderstorm came up and dropped a quick half inch shower that turned the new drive way into a 12ft by 30ft "slick" mud puddle -

    Will the neighborhood kids (about 8 of them) were all standing their eyeing the fabulous thing that just had been created right before thier eyes - take in mind all of them were right about 7 to 12 years old - four of them belonging to the State Trooper next door -

    Now I'm about 33 at the time - so what do I do - kick of the tennis shoes and take a running start and do a belly slide for about 25 ft - next thing I know every kid in the neighborhood is in the middle of the SLIDE doing the exact same thing -

    Not a word was spoken - all it took was a spark and a soul brave enough to make the first leap -
    And someday that willingness to follow any crazy fool is going to get all of those kids hooked on Meth.

  8. #23
    Champ BuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant future BuzDawg73's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread


    Here is a fun thing to do while we are waiting for football. Don't cheat.

  9. #24
    Champ DAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond reputeDAWG DUDE has a reputation beyond repute DAWG DUDE's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    I got 18.

  10. #25
    Champ StrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond reputeStrayDawg has a reputation beyond repute StrayDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    19 out of 25. I felt pretty stupid on a couple of those.

  11. #26
    Champ marketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond reputemarketdawg has a reputation beyond repute marketdawg's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    12..but I guessed on more than a few..plus I just got through throwing a few Millers back with Straydawgs cousin.
    “Towie Barclay of the Glen, Happy to the maids, But never to the men.”

  12. #27
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    16. Ouch.

  13. #28
    Champ tigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant future tigtoo30's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    OK, so here are my random thoughts for the weekend.

    Just got back from seeing my only nephew graduate. I'll admit I got a little teary eyed, watching the kid that took his first steps to me as a child walk across the stage (top 10 out of 297, BTW) as a young man. I'm just proud as hell.

    Then I start to think, is it just pride that's making me misty eyed, or is it the fact that:

    1) He was born when I was at Tech.
    2) He graduated high school exactly 20 years after I did.
    3) I'm now old enough that I could have a child his age graduating high school.

    Why does time fly, but age creeps up on you slowly?

    Oh, and I just realized that my waist size has now surpassed my in seam.

    I think I need a drink!

  14. #29
    Champ BuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant futureBuzDawg73 has a brilliant future BuzDawg73's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    17 and I thought I was an observant person.

  15. #30
    BleedTechBlue CChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond reputeCChandler has a reputation beyond repute CChandler's Avatar
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    Re: Comments That Don't Warrant A Thread

    Chuck Liddell just got OWNED.

    RAMPAGE, son!

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