View Poll Results: Do you believe in the paranormal?

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  • Yes and I've experienced an event.

    18 27.27%
  • Yes but I've never had an experience.

    18 27.27%
  • No. It's all unfounded and lies.

    16 24.24%
  • I don't have a clue.

    14 21.21%
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Thread: Haunted???

  1. #1
    Champ BulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the rough
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    I realize that this is not quite football related but it really doesn't fit under any of the categories of the board so it's going here.

    After finding myself bored last night and today I found a lot of shows on tv with these haunted and paranormal sitings, etc. So I thought that I'd check out Louisiana and see what places are said to be haunted...particularly in Ruston. Little did I know Stowe's and the Biomedical Engineering Building in Ruston are said to be "haunted".

    My question is...what do you think? And no I'm not from Tennessee.

  2. #2
    Official Unofficial BB&B Pollster TennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her game TennesseeDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by BulldawgBB View Post
    I realize that this is not quite football related but it really doesn't fit under any of the categories of the board so it's going here.

    After finding myself bored last night and today I found a lot of shows on tv with these haunted and paranormal sitings, etc. So I thought that I'd check out Louisiana and see what places are said to be haunted...particularly in Ruston. Little did I know Stowe's and the Biomedical Engineering Building in Ruston are said to be "haunted".

    My question is...what do you think? And no I'm not from Tennessee.
    BulldawgBB you are funny. I thought I made some crazy a$$ polls You can tell FB season is over for us:icon_wink:

  3. #3
    Champ Poisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the roughPoisso3 is a jewel in the rough Poisso3's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    BdBB, I've started a thread like this in the past and I know of one other. Ruston, and the area have a few ghost stories attached to them. Howard Autitorium on Tech campus is said to be haunted by a former Theater Prof. I remember something being said about old Hail Hall, but I don't recall anything specifically stated other than it was creepy. Also, I seem to remember something about a guy could be seen smoking at the site of the frat house that burned down back in the early 90s before they built those apartments on the lot.

  4. #4
    Big Dog LTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the roughLTUIronDawg is a jewel in the rough LTUIronDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    Didn't they use to have some kind of ghost hunt or something at Stowe's?

  5. #5
    Champ BulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the roughBulldawgBB is a jewel in the rough
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by Poisso3 View Post
    BdBB, I've started a thread like this in the past and I know of one other. Ruston, and the area have a few ghost stories attached to them. Howard Autitorium on Tech campus is said to be haunted by a former Theater Prof. I remember something being said about old Hail Hall, but I don't recall anything specifically stated other than it was creepy. Also, I seem to remember something about a guy could be seen smoking at the site of the frat house that burned down back in the early 90s before they built those apartments on the lot.
    I did hear about that one. I hear that one seat in the theater is always down. Apparently if you put that seat up and ensure that all of the other ones are up as well that one will fall back down. I have to say the only ghost that I ever saw there during those required presentations during high school was the friendly ghost on the inside of my eyelids. :icon_wink:

  6. #6
    Official Unofficial BB&B Pollster TennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her gameTennesseeDawg is on top of his/her game TennesseeDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    here ya go guys all the haunted places in Louisiana

  7. #7
    Champ TechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud ofTechDawgMc has much to be proud of
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    Re: Haunted???

    We used to have a mat by our front door that was plastic and had prickly knobs sticking up. It made a very distinctive sound when you opened it. Several times I was alone in the house and heard the sound, walked to the front, and found no one there. My dad said that he had the same experience. My mom thought we were both nuts. I don't actually believe in ghosts, but I've never had a good explanation of that one.

  8. #8
    Big Dog TechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her game TechSupporter11's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    There's a small ghost story at the downtown CTB Depot branch (the building is about 100 years old)...past employees who have worked there have claimed to have heard typing on computers and calculators when no one is around...

  9. #9
    Champ champion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Haunted???

    OK, I resisted telling this. Some of you will think I am a nut job now. Of course, some of you already think that.

    I will start out by saying that I don't believe in ghosts. This one experience, though, pretty much freaked me out.

    When I lived in Lubbock for a few years, I shared rent with another guy for a pretty nice size large two story house. It was a cool place and had lots of old character. There were two bedrooms upstairs and we each had one. One night, I had a really bad dream. In the dream, I was in bed (at this house with everything being just like it was in reality) and woke up to see a little girl in a white gown at the foot of my bed. I can still remember what she looked like in the dream. She had long blonde hair and was about 10 years old. I woke up and had to look around the room just to reassure myself that no one was there. When I got up, I went to the bathroom and Jack (my roommate) was up as well. He stated that he woke up because there was a noise on the staircase. I told him about my dream and described the girl.

    About 2 months later, we did some exploring through some old things in the basement. We just figured the old tenants had left a bunch of stuff down there. It was a large basement and filled with old stuff and boxes. When going through the boxes, we found a picture. You can only imagine how freaked out I was when it was a picture of the same girl in my nightmare. The picture was real old - probably around 1920 or so.

    To this day, I don't know the story of that girl or that house. I tried to get some information and finally gave up.

    So, even though it isn't too scary, it was sure FREAKY. I will never forget it. Jack moved out the next week after we saw the picture. He said that he was just moving due to financial reasons, but I think he got spooked. I lived there for 6 more months by myself before moving away from Lubbock. There were certainly some eerie nights during that time (mostly in my head). :icon_wink:

  10. #10
    Big Dog TechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her gameTechSupporter11 is on top of his/her game TechSupporter11's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by champion110 View Post
    OK, I resisted telling this. Some of you will think I am a nut job now. Of course, some of you already think that.

    I will start out by saying that I don't believe in ghosts. This one experience, though, pretty much freaked me out.

    When I lived in Lubbock for a few years, I shared rent with another guy for a pretty nice size large two story house. It was a cool place and had lots of old character. There were two bedrooms upstairs and we each had one. One night, I had a really bad dream. In the dream, I was in bed (at this house with everything being just like it was in reality) and woke up to see a little girl in a white gown at the foot of my bed. I can still remember what she looked like in the dream. She had long blonde hair and was about 10 years old. I woke up and had to look around the room just to reassure myself that no one was there. When I got up, I went to the bathroom and Jack (my roommate) was up as well. He stated that he woke up because there was a noise on the staircase. I told him about my dream and described the girl.

    About 2 months later, we did some exploring through some old things in the basement. We just figured the old tenants had left a bunch of stuff down there. It was a large basement and filled with old stuff and boxes. When going through the boxes, we found a picture. You can only imagine how freaked out I was when it was a picture of the same girl in my nightmare. The picture was real old - probably around 1920 or so.

    To this day, I don't know the story of that girl or that house. I tried to get some information and finally gave up.

    So, even though it isn't too scary, it was sure FREAKY. I will never forget it. Jack moved out the next week after we saw the picture. He said that he was just moving due to financial reasons, but I think he got spooked. I lived there for 6 more months by myself before moving away from Lubbock. There were certainly some eerie nights during that time (mostly in my head). :icon_wink:
    Sounds like a good synopsis for a I have your permission to write the screenplay?

  11. #11
    Champ champion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by TechSupporter11 View Post
    Sounds like a good synopsis for a I have your permission to write the screenplay?
    Do I get to star? Oh, just use Brad Pitt. We are similar.

  12. #12
    2011 Pick 'Em Champion johnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond reputejohnnylightnin has a reputation beyond repute johnnylightnin's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    I love the series on Discovery where they chronicle hauntings.
    Time is your friend. Impulse is your enemy. -John Bogle

  13. #13
    Champ bluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond reputebluecrew has a reputation beyond repute bluecrew's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    yep, I believe...Have seen some WILD STUFF!!

  14. #14
    Champ Brian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond reputeBrian96 has a reputation beyond repute Brian96's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by champion110 View Post
    OK, I resisted telling this. Some of you will think I am a nut job now. Of course, some of you already think that.

    I will start out by saying that I don't believe in ghosts. This one experience, though, pretty much freaked me out.

    When I lived in Lubbock for a few years, I shared rent with another guy for a pretty nice size large two story house. It was a cool place and had lots of old character. There were two bedrooms upstairs and we each had one. One night, I had a really bad dream. In the dream, I was in bed (at this house with everything being just like it was in reality) and woke up to see a little girl in a white gown at the foot of my bed. I can still remember what she looked like in the dream. She had long blonde hair and was about 10 years old. I woke up and had to look around the room just to reassure myself that no one was there. When I got up, I went to the bathroom and Jack (my roommate) was up as well. He stated that he woke up because there was a noise on the staircase. I told him about my dream and described the girl.

    About 2 months later, we did some exploring through some old things in the basement. We just figured the old tenants had left a bunch of stuff down there. It was a large basement and filled with old stuff and boxes. When going through the boxes, we found a picture. You can only imagine how freaked out I was when it was a picture of the same girl in my nightmare. The picture was real old - probably around 1920 or so.

    To this day, I don't know the story of that girl or that house. I tried to get some information and finally gave up.

    So, even though it isn't too scary, it was sure FREAKY. I will never forget it. Jack moved out the next week after we saw the picture. He said that he was just moving due to financial reasons, but I think he got spooked. I lived there for 6 more months by myself before moving away from Lubbock. There were certainly some eerie nights during that time (mostly in my head). :icon_wink:
    A little risperidone should clear that right up. :icon_wink:

  15. #15
    Champ tigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant futuretigtoo30 has a brilliant future tigtoo30's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted???

    Quote Originally Posted by Poisso3 View Post
    BdBB, I've started a thread like this in the past and I know of one other. Ruston, and the area have a few ghost stories attached to them. Howard Autitorium on Tech campus is said to be haunted by a former Theater Prof. I remember something being said about old Hail Hall, but I don't recall anything specifically stated other than it was creepy. Also, I seem to remember something about a guy could be seen smoking at the site of the frat house that burned down back in the early 90s before they built those apartments on the lot.
    I can vouch for the Howard Auditorium ghost...

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