(directed toward bluecrew and tigtoo)
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Yes and I've experienced an event.
Yes but I've never had an experience.
No. It's all unfounded and lies.
I don't have a clue.
(directed toward bluecrew and tigtoo)
By the way, Paranormal State is a grrat show, comes on A&E.
About some guys from Penn St. that hunt for ghosts and try to explain what goes on at people's homes.
Odd stuff goes on at Howard with the seat that doesn't stay up. Supposedly there is a RR track locally (north LA or South Ark) that you can walk down and out of nowhere a train light will show up with train noises, but no train... Never seen that for myself. Have heard that Choudrant High School that faces Highway 80 has ghostly figures in the windows at night...
I believe in the paranormal, but that's way too inclusive of a word.
My twin brother was at the scene of a car wreck that involved a moving truck and a guy in a Toyota pickup. The guy in the pickup looked obviously dead, so he moves to help the person in the moving truck. About that time, a old black preacher walks up to the scene. The preacher goes directly to the pickup truck and puts his hand through the broken glass and onto the man's head. The man's head lifts up, his eyes open, and my brother sprints over there to help. The preacher just bends over and says a prayer with the man fully conscious and saying the Lord's prayer with him at the end. The man closes his eyes and goes limp. He was dead within seconds of the prayer ending. The old preacher gets in his car, turns around and leaves.
I don't know if that's what this poll meant by paranormal, but that's definitely what I call paranormal. I honestly believe that was an angel of the Lord on Earth.
Well I'll start with this one...I have a few!
Nick can vouch with me because he was there. Was around 2001
We went to a buddy of ours(who is a preacher) old house on the outskirts of Ruston. It was abandoned and hadnt been lived in since they left, I think they still used it as storage however. This house is old, real old, in fact it used to be slave quarters. Our friend had told us stories about his dad would be sitting on his bed and he would hear footsteps on the steps yet nobody would be there, also he would be walking and feel a hand on his shoulder. Anyway 4 of us went out one night in the middle of may so it was rather hot outside. We walked around and it was pretty eerie, occassionally it would feel like someone was touching the back of your neck but that could have been anything. Like I said it was hot in that place but there was a cold spot, so cold that you could actually see your breath ( I know Sixth Sense Stuff). We found that kind of odd and walked to the other end of the room, then from that spot a orange glow ball moved from that spot and floated to the other side of the house. WE took a ton of different pictures with all kinds of cameras and there were ORBS everywhere, we tried to get some EVPS but did have the patience to listen to the whole tape. Dont expect to make people a believer but I know what I saw. I have some more stories I can share later.
the crossett lights. there is a story that goes along with it about a railroad worker that got beheaded by a train, and now he walks up and down the tracks at night with a lantern searching for his severed head. i have talked to several people who claim to have seen them. unfortunately, all of the stories start with, "we sat there for a couple of hours drinking jack and coke until we ran out of coke..." they were all pretty full before they saw anything, so the stories are somewhat dubious.
One weird thing that I can remember growing up had to do with a person reading Tarot cards. When I was in the 6th grade a "girl" friend of mine had her birthday party. Her mother was a very strange lady, very eerie. At the party she started doing so card readings for us. Most were just the generic, you'll meet so and so, get married, blah blah blah. She laid out the cards for one girl and got a very shocked look on her face. When the girl asked what the cards read, she wouldn't tell but tried to move along to something else. By this girl's senior year in high school she had done so many drugs it had messed up her brain and she was put in the "nut" house. For some reason that card reading always stuck with me and I wonder if that was foretold by the cards.
I've got a few others I'll try to remember also.
always heard the story of howard aud, but i spent a LOT of time there practicing and such, and nothing ever hinted that there was something paranormal
I grew up in Springhill and between there and Plain Dealing is a highway that is extremely curvey and runs through Bodcau Bayou. There is a dead end road off the highway that is called Stiles road and on it was a really nice two story house with the wrought iron gate around it. The story goes that a young couple had built the house and had a couple of small children, but when the kids were around four of five they and the mother were killed when driving home one day by a pulp wood truck that came around a curve on the wrong side of the road hitting them head on. Apparently the man put the house up for sale and it went through a succession of owners pretty quickly which is when the stories started circulating about it being haunted. The stories included the sounds of small children giggling while running up and down the stairs, the hot tub turning on full blast by itself in the middle of the night, and just unexplained noises in general.
I knew a guy in high school who's parents bought the house, but after a couple of weeks living in the house, he refused to stay there and moved in with his grandparents. His parents soon moved out also and the house stayed vacant on the market for a long time. Eventually during my senior year of high school on Halloween night a big group of us went cemetary hopping and ended up at this house. We jumped the fence and walked up to the front door with the obligatory boos and fake screams to make each other jump. When we got to the front door one of my buddies started shooshing everybody. It took a minute for everyone to get quiet, but when everything was finally quiet, we could clearly hear the sound of music coming from inside a window next to the door. This is the part that was really creepy and caused us to run like thieves. If you have ever heard a Jack in the Box you know the song Pop Goes the Weasel. That is what was coming from the window but it was playing really slow and off key. It was enough to make us run and hit the cars and swear off ever going back. At least that was the plan until a few weeks later... but I'll tell that story later on.
I believe in the paranormal and that things go on around us all the time that we simply don't pick up on...and maybe once in a great while we do! :icon_wink:
My husband's mother's family home is what's now Calloway Corner's Bed & Breakfast in Sibley, LA. For many, many years his aunt and uncle lived in the old home and occasionally Paul would spend the night there. If you knew Paul, you'd know he simply would never make up a story like this - he is so serious he'd never even imagine such a thing unless it happened to him.
Back in the early 1960's, he was sleeping in what was always referred to by the family as the "boys' room" when he awoke to see an apparition moving around the room. He said he watched it for what seemed like a few minutes but it was probably more like a few seconds.
Sometime in the 1980's, a couple from California bought the house and proceeded to totally remodel it...including adding a large bathroom onto the old "boys' room" and that's when so much unexplained activities broke loose that there was a full-page article in The Shreveport Times about it - and it was at that time Paul told them what had happened to him many years before. The couple who bought the house were convinced the remodeling work had somehow caused the sudden unexplained things that were happening - doors opening, noises like heavy objects being dropped or animal sounds...things noticeable enough that some workers refused to stay on the job.
I have seen it multiple times and I was completely sober every time. You drive down this incredibly straight dirt road that used to be a railroad, then you turn around and look in the direction from which you just came. I have been about 4 or 5 times and I saw the light all but one of those. Definitely creepy when it starts to get brighter and moves around and then all of a sudden disappears. Then you have to drive right back towards it in order to leave and it goes away. It has been on Unsolved Mysteries, and nobody knows where it comes from.
I have also been there twice (around 96-97) and saw the light both times. It freaked our group out as well. The light starts dim and grows. Then starts moving around as if it is someone with a weak flashlight walking. It goes off to the side and then disappears. Needless to say, we drove pretty fast going back out of there.
And we were sober as well.