"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt
I note that poor daybreaker2 is only 27; thus, he's never had the pleasure of having a Democrat conrolled Congress and President yank money out of his pocket faster than he can earn it. GWB is not my idea of a model republican, but he's light years better than most Democrats. McCain is not my first choice either, but compared to the socialist BHO or the "healthcare czar" HRC...he's a breath of fresh air!
I'm an asshole! What's your excuse?
Tek, remember that around half of those born during the later years of the Carter Administration to the first term of Reagan have no idea what is really going on with the world. The same thing happened with the Boomers. The reason? Things got easy for their parents and these kids never had to learn any different other then they could do whatever they wanted. Schools don't teach how things really were when these kids were too young to understand. I saw the last two years of Carter, and was old enough to see things get better thanks to my parents telling me how bad it actually was...and that it could get bad again if a do-nothing ever got back in the White House. Just the thought of BHO being our next President makes me sick as I do not want to live in a Socialist nation where 51% of my paycheck is taken as taxes and I have to allow the government to tell me where and when I can go see a doctor. I also do not want my infant daughter to have to live in a society where she will be taught that everything good the USA ever did was actually bad and that only the government is able provide what we need.
BHO's instant defensive stance on what President Bush said is a perfect example of a person with a guilty conscience. If people who worship him want to denounce anyone who points out what BHO is saying as wrong, fine, they have that right. The same people will be the first to say that you can't speak out on how bad his plan is once he is in office taking your money and expecting you to smile at the same time. Sounds a lot like what Stalin did...though I don't think even BHO will kill those that do not agree with him...at least not personally...
Originally Posted by saltydawg
You mean, besides you?
That's it? Come on, saltyballs, you can surely do better than that. A graduate of one of California's university system and reknowned fabricator such as yourself can most assuredly top that one. Ask DB2 for some material... he uses lots of **** and f's, c's, and k's in his retorts.
BTW, I love how you libs all take these comments personally and circle the wagons... I didn't mention anyone's username nor did I reply to any post when making that comment, yet you felt the need to respond. Some of you guys have serious issues. On a side note, I would love to see the results of Myers-Briggs tests for some posters on this board. I have a distinct feeling that would explain a lot about you.