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Thread: Let the mississippi state excuses begin...

  1. #46
    Big Dog SkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the roughSkeeterDawg is a jewel in the rough
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Cheniere, LA

    Re: Let the mississippi state excuses begin...

    I think a lot of it had to do with "overrated" halftime adjustments!

  2. #47
    Champ littleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the roughlittleshoe is a jewel in the rough
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Let the mississippi state excuses begin...

    If MS's defense is supposed to be so great then I want to see where we're going to be ranked this season. We completely outplayed them in the second half. My wife and I made the joke that Dooley killed someone in the locker room saying "There's one less bulldog on the field... but it was for a good cause."

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