This is copied from a blog appearing in the Alexandria Town Talk today:

Mark it. July 22, 2009.
This is the day when B. H. Obama simply ran out of charm, out of smiles, out of blameshifting, out of all logic, out of reality, out of mojo and out of credibility. If any other (non-historic) POTUS shot the voters and reporters this line of factless assertions they would forever be labeled a Dufus ScamWow.
Any thinking voter can take out a couple of lines most anywhere and see its baloney. The federal gov-meant is going to finance anything mostly by savings-efficiency? Now that IS historic. Not since the Grace Commission has there been any of that. Who does he think he is fooling?
The democrat gov-meant does not want to “take over health care”? Historic #2. Who does he think he is fooling?
The Republicans have no ideas? They submitted 38 amendments in the House…all were rejected…including the one about Congress being part of any new HC Plan. Who does he think he is fooling?
The HC Plan will not grow the debt? After Medicaide and Medicare went broke, after decades when most any major federal program (like M & M) quickly became 3-9x more costly than the “democrat selling price”…who does he think he is fooling?
This baloney speech from a serial liar who demanded we borrow a trillion from the Red Chinese to “stimulate” the economy six months ago!
He and his fellow socialists 4x the debt. Now he wants another trillion for HC? Who does he think he is fooling?
Voters have had enough of this wild spending and serial deception. Some are even laughing in the face of their congressman at meetings. Its a start. Keep in mind the next J. Carter Obama phases are taxes and inflation. By the extra shoes will be taken to meetings of these criminal thieves in congress. I say FAX FAX laugh laugh and throw throw.
Send supporters of these fiscal insanities home to stay in November 2010.
Wish the election was next week.
