Running against Dodd for his CT seat.

"In 2006, Peter sounded the alarm that the US economy was facing significant challenges as the credit and housing bubbles neared deflation. His numerous appearances on national television predicting the recession were met with skepticism by established insiders, but Peter continued to warn of the coming economic collapse.
In 2007, Peter authored the bestselling “Crash Proof” in which he warned that upon the economic downturn, the federal government would mis-read the situation, over react and propose solutions that would actually undermine any possible recovery. As Peter predicted, the government has grown at an exponential rate and has choked off the free market system from bringing economic renewal.
Peter maintains that government intervention through regulation, stimulus programs, and corporate bailouts can only worsen our economic crisis. Peter has been a vocal critic of the economic stimulus packages proposed by both President Obama and President George W. Bush, while other Republicans remained silent and on the sidelines."

We need more candidates like this.