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Thread: Deleting Profiles

  1. #1
    Puppy TJDAWG is an unknown
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Deleting Profiles

    I have 2 profiles set up with 2 different email addresses. Is there a way to delete one of the them?

    (i've searched the threads and can't find any answers)


  2. #2
    Administrator DocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond repute DocMarvin362's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

    what profile do you want deleted and can you provide proof that it's actually you??

  3. #3
    Puppy TJDAWG is an unknown
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Deleting Profiles

    PM sent

  4. #4
    Champ FishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond reputeFishingBack has a reputation beyond repute FishingBack's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

    I would also like an alternate profile deleted. Actually, two. Their names are Saltydawg and Teatech.

  5. #5
    Champ GatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond reputeGatorDawg has a reputation beyond repute GatorDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

    While we are at it can we delete this DocMarvin character?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Tech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond reputeTech77 has a reputation beyond repute Tech77's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

    Quote Originally Posted by FishingBack View Post
    I would also like an alternate profile deleted. Actually, two. Their names are Saltydawg and Teatech.

    Good old Memorial Gym

  7. #7
    Champ detltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond reputedetltu has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

    Quote Originally Posted by Juice752 View Post
    While we are at it can we delete this DocMarvin character?

    He's the worst!

  8. #8
    Administrator DocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond repute DocMarvin362's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting Profiles

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