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Thread: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

  1. #1
    Champ ChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Saw the sign up on the service road in front of the old Joe Mallard/Ruston Ford Location. I assume they're going to tear it down and build the Logan's right there.

    This North Central boy LOVES how Ruston is leading our region in growth and development. With our new Research Park, I think we've only BEGUN to see Ruston's potential.
    Last edited by ChuckK3; 03-07-2011 at 12:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Champ Choudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond reputeChoudawg86 has a reputation beyond repute Choudawg86's Avatar
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckK3 View Post
    Saw the sign up on the service road in front of the old Joe Mallard/Ruston Ford Location. I assume they're going to tear it down and build the Logan's right there.

    This North Central boy LOVES how Ruston is leading our region in growth and development. With our new Research Park, I think we've only BEGUN to see Ruston's potential.
    that sign has been up a LONGGGGGGGGGGG time. no activity though. did here from someone that Hilton was coming in.

  3. #3
    Champ ChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    haha I just noticed it yesterday. Day late...dolla short...story of my life!

  4. #4
    Big Dog Sw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to allSw is a name known to all Sw's Avatar
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Im still waiting for that one across the road from Walmart. I think it is susposed to be the Santa Fe Cattle Company or something like that.

  5. #5
    Bulldog LT1 seems to have something between the earsLT1 seems to have something between the earsLT1 seems to have something between the earsLT1 seems to have something between the earsLT1 seems to have something between the earsLT1 seems to have something between the ears
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    What is going up beside Green Clinic North? Will the McAlister's at Tech be available to the public?

  6. #6
    Champ splicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of lightsplicer is a glorious beacon of light
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Not sure about what's next to GCN, but McAllister's is being built in Tolliver, so it'll be open to the public like Chick-Fil-A. We head to campus once every week or two for some CFA. Ruston really needs a real CFA location.

  7. #7
    Administrator qng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond reputeqng001 has a reputation beyond repute qng001's Avatar
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    I want more local joints popping up around town. Chain restaurants are ok...just wish we had places without plastic menus.

  8. #8
    Champ CutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to beholdCutiePie72 is a splendid one to behold
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by LT1 View Post
    What is going up beside Green Clinic North? Will the McAlister's at Tech be available to the public?
    So glad you asked that. I've wondered for weeks everytime I drive by the Green Clinic North. Didn't seem like something to start a thread specifically for and didn't feel like digging up the last long thread about Ruston Eating Places, I think it was, that talked about new businesses, etc., around town.

  9. #9
    Champ champion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by qng001 View Post
    I want more local joints popping up around town. Chain restaurants are ok...just wish we had places without plastic menus.
    AMEN! Ruston has the potential to be a destination to eat. The places going in are good, but you can go these places in Any City, USA. Need more than just chains. When I go to Ruston, I don't go to places I can eat at in Tyler.

  10. #10
    Champ hoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond reputehoppinmad has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    ... and there's a new Scott's Seafood going up (like they have down in West Monroe) going in on Hwy 33 a little north of Kentucky Ave. on the east side.

  11. #11
    Dawg Adamant Argument Czar Guisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond reputeGuisslapp has a reputation beyond repute Guisslapp's Avatar
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by qng001 View Post
    I want more local joints popping up around town. Chain restaurants are ok...just wish we had places without plastic menus.
    Jordan Mills on choosing Tech:
    “It’s a great experience seeing them play. It was a good atmosphere. The fans stood up the whole game and never sat down. They have a great fan base.”

  12. #12
    Champ ChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    I'll tell y'all this, 10 years ago, most folks in our area who wanted to go "out & eat" drove to M/WM. More and more, it seems like RUSTON is becoming the preferred destination for eating and movies for folks in the U-P...certainly the western 2/3's anyway.

  13. #13
    Champ TYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond reputeTYLERTECHSAS has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by champion110 View Post
    AMEN! Ruston has the potential to be a destination to eat. The places going in are good, but you can go these places in Any City, USA. Need more than just chains. When I go to Ruston, I don't go to places I can eat at in Tyler.

  14. #14
    Champ Bill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond reputeBill Brasky has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by Choudawg86 View Post
    that sign has been up a LONGGGGGGGGGGG time. no activity though. did here from someone that Hilton was coming in.
    I hope you are talking about Paris or Nikki!

  15. #15
    Champ Amos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Logan's Roadhouse Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Brasky View Post
    I hope you are talking about Paris or Nikki!
    Those two are probably headed to Bernice!

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